This last few weeks or so have been a good time. I quit my job, the parents left the house to me for a week, and I enjoyed a little too much chocolate.
All in all it was a good time.
Yet I have this odd feeling that me and Nathan are becoming more and more like a couple and less and less like friends. For all the time we spent together while my parents were gone... There's just less sex and more snuggling, and less seeing other people, and more watching movies, and less staying up late and getting wasted, and more going to be early and entwining hands.
I think, should I guesstimate, we spent more time on his sofa snuggling and watching weird cable TV then anything else.
This is what I wanted right?
No, half the charm of anyone for me is having none of them. To have all of them, is just boring.
I suppose I'll tell him I'm taking a break... And work on trying to find a new job.
Read my VisualDNA™
Get your own VisualDNA™ I saw that on Hulamoth's journal and couldn't resist.