Fiiiirst off, it's been rattling around in my brain for a while but I just finally got it down. I originally had it as buusagi because that's the word I'm used to, but I changed it to rappig. Oh yes.
i am replying from my blackberry so excuse any bad typing.
I hope you'll be in high spirits too but it is definitely understandable if you're not. Admittedly I have only been through 3 breakups that were long term relationships, and two were pretty took a lot to get me enthused about anything for a long hang in threr :( there are other fish in the sea even if it hardly seems it. :(
Anyway as I said I'm gonna be anise at AB, and it will be the first time I have ever cosplayed OMG. I was not able to find a tokunaga and I didn't have time to make one so it will be less than perfect.
Btw I saw the pics and you are an AMAZING I can't wait to see that costume. And both dists sound amazing...I saw pics of the first...thinking back I remembe seeing pics of your first dist a couple of years ago...or I am almost certain that was you. I played abyss for the first time in November of 2006 and was instantly obsessed. Never been a part of another dabdom and probably never will. I agree that the characters' interactions are just too hilarious..esp anything jade\dist\peony\van etc related.
Thanks, my internship is cool I guess, I do counseling with emotionally challenged kids here in roxbury. Not too many dull days to speak of. I prefer working with adults though. I also start summer school this week but no class Fridays so it doesn't interfere with AB, thank god. Your major sounds interesting is it basically biochemistry with a focus on working in a lab setting?
Yeah I hope I'm ok. I don't know how long it will take for me to get back to normal but I'm pretty freaking impatient. D8 I don't like feeling like this. Uuuugh. I was dating my gf for 2 years and I knew her for like, this is really tough. I'm in the middle of *trying* to heal, and also trying to curb the undying want to stay friends, to talk to her. So yeah I'm pretty much everywhere at the moment, haha.... ;;;; but thanks for your support. 8D I'm trying to do the best I can. x_x
Oh? You never cosplayed befoooore? Interesting! My first serious cosplay was...well, Dist. And I'm still cosplaying as we speak, so I guess that's a good sign. XD After AB though, I don't know if I'll still do cosplay (because it was very sentimental between my ex and I...and now...argh.);;; Hey, I actualy have a tokunaga plush. It's very small, and I got it when the limited amount through the official Abyss forums went up for sale. I think it was $5? So if you want, you can use my Toku plush for the con, if you're willing to give it back...8Db I mean, I'm not really using it at the moment, and it looks like you'd put it to more use than I. ^^
Awww... thank you. Yeah, with cosplay, I go crazy. All out (or try within my range to). It's just what I do. ^^ So your compliments make me very happy. I have a lot of Dists, uh, my first one debuted at AUSA 2006 - it was casual Dist, and I didn't have most of my cosplay done then. Next year, Katsucon 2007 I had my first completed Dist costume, his formal suit one with the pink swirly thing down the side. That was my first and last Katsucon and it was SO GOOD because I had the entire Keterburgers (AND professor Nebilim!!) Oh how I miss those days... ^_^ all of those cosplayers decided to unfriend me and be unsociable but whatever. Next up was Anime Boston 2007, and then Otakon 2007 which I wore that version of Dist to, again. o-o Next year after that, I went to AB 2008 as the default Dist costume (the one with the open chest and snakeskin pants, hahaha). Umm, then Otakon was non Tales (it was loveless w/ my exgf). This upcoming AB of 2009 I'll be more Disty goodness. So there you go, even if you didn't want it, there's my history basically. Pretty simple. XD
Awww...I wish I liked kids enough to do that. Gah. I was going to do summer school but I decided against it (and now I'm left with some free time...both good and bad, keeping in mind I now have a big huge gaping hole where my heart used to be, yes). Ugh. ;;;
As for my major...ohohoh, shall I even start? I'll try to keep it light. It's not necessarily biochemistry. Biochem is a prerequisite I need to graduate, yeah, but it's not my concentration (which is my internship). The subjects included are hematology (study of the blood/plasma/etc cells), immunohematology (blood banking, matching blood types together, cord blood tests, etc), immunology (immune system response, anitbodies, etc), microbiology (self explanatory, I hope? run tests for AB to specific disease causing agents, culture them (grow them up) and also test for drug sensitivity), coagulation (having to do with blood clotting time, sedimentation rates, etc), chemistry (uuuhhh what's going on in your body, basically, hopefully in normal ranges), special chemistry, specimen receiving/send outs (which I have my own office in, haha). I know there's more but I said I'd keep it short. XD I know all this stuff about my internship beforehand because I am a dork...and, well, I also have a Lab Aid position in a hospital environment already. So I'm kind of a big deal. *bricked* I hope I didn't bore you there, it's just something very interesting to me! XD
I was able to read your reply on my phone but I hate LJing on my phone, for the most part, so i wanted to wait until I got home. :)
Did your ex live nearby? I know that makes it hard when you start needing stuff to do. I entertain myself quite a bit but I also play a lot of WoW (and before that FFXI) which is the best way to ensure you kill time, even if it is not the most productive activity. >_< It's a good thing you're going to AB then for something to do. :) From reading your posts it still seems like a recent break so sadly you're still in the doldrums of it all. Especially after being together 2 years it's going to take a while (been there done that, sadly.) Not talking is a very good idea, it's easy to get false hopes. ;_: I made a mistake of trying to be friends after and it just messed with my emotions a lot...BUT we were able to be friends later on down the road.
I would never had heard of Anime Boston actually if it weren't for my friend...I am incredibly lazy about cons in general. Are there more that are in the Boston area? Geez I hope so, I'm such a horrible nerd I need something to do...people in general my age prefer to drink; which is okay occasionally but I'd rather be nerding out any night of the week. I can't believe how many cons you went to as Dist but it's totally awesome. Like I said I think i remember seeing pics of you as Dist a couple of years ago when I first joined the abyss LJ community. I only have gone to one con since abyss came out and there was a Luke and Tear(!)The last big con I went to was Megacon 2007 in FL, and no never dressed up my entire life. I am the epitome of lazy. I have shown up to most cons in jeans and a Zelda shirt looking for people to beat in the ground at Smash Brothers, historically. ;>_< And anyway, I only like Abyss enough to cosplay...with 2 exceptions either being Lain (in bear suit) or Rita. After seeing you as Rita though you definitely have it down pat so I dunno. =)
Rita was my favorite Vesperia character, not sure if I mentioned....though I like Jade a billion times more, Rita's spellcasting is OP. She's the first "younger" girl in a while to not be a loli (unlike Anise whose picture is in the dictionary next to "loli".) Plus, she totally has the hots for Estelle and that's awesome. And she's violent. Violent another definite plus.
I would love to borrow your plushy, thanks! I looked all over online to see if someone was selling theirs but...of course not. And yes would of course give it back! I wish I had something cool to offer in return, but alas...I would say Anise's undying love but we all know Dist has eyes for only one person (why have eyes for anyone else anyway?). Although, you (as Dist) handing me Tokunaga will be quite ironic~
Your major sounds very interesting. Will you go onto graduate school for your Master's or go straight to work with your BS (or BA) degree? What school do you go to? Is there a particular area of your field that you're specifically interested in? (say, hematology). I ask because one of my closest friends is into Microbiology and for a while after getting his BS he did some very similar work to what you described. He's really into Immunology and is attending the Master's program and Univ. of Rochester starting in the Fall. I myself was very close to doing pre-med and medical school and even did some prereqs as an undergrad...but my father is a doctor and was kind of pressuring me to do psychiatry even though I wanted to work with people (psychiatrists end up kinda becoming meds dispensers.) For now I am getting my MSW and will take the licensing exam as soon as I graduate next year...but knowing me I'll want my doctorate before terribly long.
I might have beaten your post in character count! Perhaps.
Re: Hi >_>fate_repeatedMay 11 2009, 23:03:26 UTC
No, actually she lives six states away. It was a long distance thing. *sigh* And yet another reason to dump me for. -_-;;; I did make plans to move out once I graduate (but she couldn't "stand it anymore," hmph). Usually I am ALWAYS busy with some project (trust me, I even work on crap during my breaks) but this break up really messed me up so much I can't really function. Argh. Like my whole world tipped upside down and now I don't have much else left, and don't feel like doing much at the moment. Times are tough. Ah, yes, it was fairly recent. God, I wish time could just speed up and I'd be over it by now. -__-;; This is my first break up from a serious relationship, and I heard they can be the worst (because I never been through it). And yes, I was trying to talk to her a couple days ago but yeah, my heart strings just got ripped to shreds so I'm all: face it, now is not the time. I feel like, if I have the undying urge to talk to her, to ignore it. If I keep getting this nervousness, don't talk to her right now. I should wait for those things to disappear first. It's hard when you love someone so much though (I'm not crazy, just very passionate).
I'm sure there are a couple more cons in Boston-ish, at least, in Massachusetts...umm, if you want to get a list of cons, you should check out (I think that's the url). I check there sometimes to see what voice actor is going to which con (because I REALLY REALLY WANT TO MEET LIAM OBRIEN IN PERSON oh god, even Kirk Thornton would be just fine!). 8D Also yeah I'm in the same boat as you: people my age drink, but I'm really not one for it. Nor parties or socializing much. I'd rather be a nerd, it's what I do best?? XD Though in RI there's really no one else to nerd it up with here. D8 Ronery. ALSO yeah remember you're talking to someone who has been obsessing a fan of Dist for EONS. I'm not about to stop suddenly wearing him... at least, I hope not. He's too awesome and I love him to pieces. XD And aaawww thanks, I love Rita to bits. She's actually a little taller than me. Argh. OH yeah, on Saturday I'm going to be with an Estelle! So feel free to say hi to uuuus! 8D Oh and there is going to be a Yuri going too, I heard. YAY!
Aaand yeah Rita's my fave Vesperia character. ^_^ she's so awesome and not silly like Genis (Symphonia) and not TOO sarcastic like Jade. Though yes I do prefer Jade moreso than Rita... I wonder how they'd act if they ever met each other. XDD KUDOS to you liking Rita and Estelle together, I can't get enough of them. Hahaha. I don't normally like younger characters either, as loli isn't my type. BUT I love her attitude/science/her outfit/yay goggles/etc. XD Yes, violent is a plus (from someone who highly advocates Distabuse from Jade, cough cough). *w*
AND YES! We should take a picture or two together, like that. Ohoho. And maybe it could be in a cafeteria?? We'll be exchanging tokunaga and then some. Hee. There's going to be a bajillion Jades at AB (as per usual) so I'm sure I'll get ragged on by at least one of them. XD Oh- that reminds me- I dabble in photography (I have a Canon<3) for cosplay, so if you'd like me to take some of your costume, I'd be glad to. ^_^ Cons are aaaaall about the photos and cosplay for me! Whoo!
Ah... yes, I love my major. ^_^ I'm not quite sure if I want to go onto graduates, perhaps while I start work at the hospital (they pay you if you continue education!!!). 8D But yeah, I'm interested in it. Just depends on how I feel after I graduate, hee. And I'm getting my BS...there's onlya BS here for Clinical Lab Science. I go to the University of RI (commute, so I HAVE LIKE, NO FRIENDS, grrr). I don't know which field I'm interested in at the moment, but I'm sure once I have my internship I'll decide when I'm doing things hands on. XD Yes, I do kind of see psychiatrists as med dispensers (I am the type who will deny use of medicine, even for pain/migraines, unless I REALLY REALLY need it)... mph. I have to go now, I'm actually at work. XD Maybe we can continue this later??
Re: Hi >_>zwanhyruleMay 12 2009, 00:15:18 UTC
Yikes work! Hit me up on AIM when ya get home if you like, I am usually on. I also have a problem with not-sleeping. Or we can continue epic LJ comments! =)
I hope you'll be in high spirits too but it is definitely understandable if you're not. Admittedly I have only been through 3 breakups that were long term relationships, and two were pretty took a lot to get me enthused about anything for a long hang in threr :( there are other fish in the sea even if it hardly seems it. :(
Anyway as I said I'm gonna be anise at AB, and it will be the first time I have ever cosplayed OMG. I was not able to find a tokunaga and I didn't have time to make one so it will be less than perfect.
Btw I saw the pics and you are an AMAZING I can't wait to see that costume. And both dists sound amazing...I saw pics of the first...thinking back I remembe seeing pics of your first dist a couple of years ago...or I am almost certain that was you. I played abyss for the first time in November of 2006 and was instantly obsessed. Never been a part of another dabdom and probably never will. I agree that the characters' interactions are just too hilarious..esp anything jade\dist\peony\van etc related.
Thanks, my internship is cool I guess, I do counseling with emotionally challenged kids here in roxbury. Not too many dull days to speak of. I prefer working with adults though. I also start summer school this week but no class Fridays so it doesn't interfere with AB, thank god. Your major sounds interesting is it basically biochemistry with a focus on working in a lab setting?
Yeah I hope I'm ok. I don't know how long it will take for me to get back to normal but I'm pretty freaking impatient. D8 I don't like feeling like this. Uuuugh. I was dating my gf for 2 years and I knew her for like, this is really tough. I'm in the middle of *trying* to heal, and also trying to curb the undying want to stay friends, to talk to her. So yeah I'm pretty much everywhere at the moment, haha.... ;;;; but thanks for your support. 8D I'm trying to do the best I can. x_x
Oh? You never cosplayed befoooore? Interesting! My first serious cosplay was...well, Dist. And I'm still cosplaying as we speak, so I guess that's a good sign. XD After AB though, I don't know if I'll still do cosplay (because it was very sentimental between my ex and I...and now...argh.);;; Hey, I actualy have a tokunaga plush. It's very small, and I got it when the limited amount through the official Abyss forums went up for sale. I think it was $5? So if you want, you can use my Toku plush for the con, if you're willing to give it back...8Db I mean, I'm not really using it at the moment, and it looks like you'd put it to more use than I. ^^
Awww... thank you. Yeah, with cosplay, I go crazy. All out (or try within my range to). It's just what I do. ^^ So your compliments make me very happy. I have a lot of Dists, uh, my first one debuted at AUSA 2006 - it was casual Dist, and I didn't have most of my cosplay done then. Next year, Katsucon 2007 I had my first completed Dist costume, his formal suit one with the pink swirly thing down the side. That was my first and last Katsucon and it was SO GOOD because I had the entire Keterburgers (AND professor Nebilim!!) Oh how I miss those days... ^_^ all of those cosplayers decided to unfriend me and be unsociable but whatever. Next up was Anime Boston 2007, and then Otakon 2007 which I wore that version of Dist to, again. o-o Next year after that, I went to AB 2008 as the default Dist costume (the one with the open chest and snakeskin pants, hahaha). Umm, then Otakon was non Tales (it was loveless w/ my exgf). This upcoming AB of 2009 I'll be more Disty goodness. So there you go, even if you didn't want it, there's my history basically. Pretty simple. XD
Awww...I wish I liked kids enough to do that. Gah. I was going to do summer school but I decided against it (and now I'm left with some free time...both good and bad, keeping in mind I now have a big huge gaping hole where my heart used to be, yes). Ugh. ;;;
As for my major...ohohoh, shall I even start? I'll try to keep it light. It's not necessarily biochemistry. Biochem is a prerequisite I need to graduate, yeah, but it's not my concentration (which is my internship). The subjects included are hematology (study of the blood/plasma/etc cells), immunohematology (blood banking, matching blood types together, cord blood tests, etc), immunology (immune system response, anitbodies, etc), microbiology (self explanatory, I hope? run tests for AB to specific disease causing agents, culture them (grow them up) and also test for drug sensitivity), coagulation (having to do with blood clotting time, sedimentation rates, etc), chemistry (uuuhhh what's going on in your body, basically, hopefully in normal ranges), special chemistry, specimen receiving/send outs (which I have my own office in, haha). I know there's more but I said I'd keep it short. XD I know all this stuff about my internship beforehand because I am a dork...and, well, I also have a Lab Aid position in a hospital environment already. So I'm kind of a big deal. *bricked* I hope I didn't bore you there, it's just something very interesting to me! XD
Did your ex live nearby? I know that makes it hard when you start needing stuff to do. I entertain myself quite a bit but I also play a lot of WoW (and before that FFXI) which is the best way to ensure you kill time, even if it is not the most productive activity. >_< It's a good thing you're going to AB then for something to do. :) From reading your posts it still seems like a recent break so sadly you're still in the doldrums of it all. Especially after being together 2 years it's going to take a while (been there done that, sadly.) Not talking is a very good idea, it's easy to get false hopes. ;_: I made a mistake of trying to be friends after and it just messed with my emotions a lot...BUT we were able to be friends later on down the road.
I would never had heard of Anime Boston actually if it weren't for my friend...I am incredibly lazy about cons in general. Are there more that are in the Boston area? Geez I hope so, I'm such a horrible nerd I need something to do...people in general my age prefer to drink; which is okay occasionally but I'd rather be nerding out any night of the week. I can't believe how many cons you went to as Dist but it's totally awesome. Like I said I think i remember seeing pics of you as Dist a couple of years ago when I first joined the abyss LJ community. I only have gone to one con since abyss came out and there was a Luke and Tear(!)The last big con I went to was Megacon 2007 in FL, and no never dressed up my entire life. I am the epitome of lazy. I have shown up to most cons in jeans and a Zelda shirt looking for people to beat in the ground at Smash Brothers, historically. ;>_< And anyway, I only like Abyss enough to cosplay...with 2 exceptions either being Lain (in bear suit) or Rita. After seeing you as Rita though you definitely have it down pat so I dunno. =)
Rita was my favorite Vesperia character, not sure if I mentioned....though I like Jade a billion times more, Rita's spellcasting is OP. She's the first "younger" girl in a while to not be a loli (unlike Anise whose picture is in the dictionary next to "loli".) Plus, she totally has the hots for Estelle and that's awesome. And she's violent. Violent another definite plus.
I would love to borrow your plushy, thanks! I looked all over online to see if someone was selling theirs but...of course not. And yes would of course give it back! I wish I had something cool to offer in return, but alas...I would say Anise's undying love but we all know Dist has eyes for only one person (why have eyes for anyone else anyway?). Although, you (as Dist) handing me Tokunaga will be quite ironic~
Your major sounds very interesting. Will you go onto graduate school for your Master's or go straight to work with your BS (or BA) degree? What school do you go to? Is there a particular area of your field that you're specifically interested in? (say, hematology). I ask because one of my closest friends is into Microbiology and for a while after getting his BS he did some very similar work to what you described. He's really into Immunology and is attending the Master's program and Univ. of Rochester starting in the Fall. I myself was very close to doing pre-med and medical school and even did some prereqs as an undergrad...but my father is a doctor and was kind of pressuring me to do psychiatry even though I wanted to work with people (psychiatrists end up kinda becoming meds dispensers.) For now I am getting my MSW and will take the licensing exam as soon as I graduate next year...but knowing me I'll want my doctorate before terribly long.
I might have beaten your post in character count! Perhaps.
I'm sure there are a couple more cons in Boston-ish, at least, in Massachusetts...umm, if you want to get a list of cons, you should check out (I think that's the url). I check there sometimes to see what voice actor is going to which con (because I REALLY REALLY WANT TO MEET LIAM OBRIEN IN PERSON oh god, even Kirk Thornton would be just fine!). 8D Also yeah I'm in the same boat as you: people my age drink, but I'm really not one for it. Nor parties or socializing much. I'd rather be a nerd, it's what I do best?? XD Though in RI there's really no one else to nerd it up with here. D8 Ronery. ALSO yeah remember you're talking to someone who has been obsessing a fan of Dist for EONS. I'm not about to stop suddenly wearing him... at least, I hope not. He's too awesome and I love him to pieces. XD And aaawww thanks, I love Rita to bits. She's actually a little taller than me. Argh. OH yeah, on Saturday I'm going to be with an Estelle! So feel free to say hi to uuuus! 8D Oh and there is going to be a Yuri going too, I heard. YAY!
Aaand yeah Rita's my fave Vesperia character. ^_^ she's so awesome and not silly like Genis (Symphonia) and not TOO sarcastic like Jade. Though yes I do prefer Jade moreso than Rita... I wonder how they'd act if they ever met each other. XDD KUDOS to you liking Rita and Estelle together, I can't get enough of them. Hahaha. I don't normally like younger characters either, as loli isn't my type. BUT I love her attitude/science/her outfit/yay goggles/etc. XD Yes, violent is a plus (from someone who highly advocates Distabuse from Jade, cough cough). *w*
AND YES! We should take a picture or two together, like that. Ohoho. And maybe it could be in a cafeteria?? We'll be exchanging tokunaga and then some. Hee. There's going to be a bajillion Jades at AB (as per usual) so I'm sure I'll get ragged on by at least one of them. XD Oh- that reminds me- I dabble in photography (I have a Canon<3) for cosplay, so if you'd like me to take some of your costume, I'd be glad to. ^_^ Cons are aaaaall about the photos and cosplay for me! Whoo!
Ah... yes, I love my major. ^_^ I'm not quite sure if I want to go onto graduates, perhaps while I start work at the hospital (they pay you if you continue education!!!). 8D But yeah, I'm interested in it. Just depends on how I feel after I graduate, hee. And I'm getting my BS...there's onlya BS here for Clinical Lab Science. I go to the University of RI (commute, so I HAVE LIKE, NO FRIENDS, grrr). I don't know which field I'm interested in at the moment, but I'm sure once I have my internship I'll decide when I'm doing things hands on. XD Yes, I do kind of see psychiatrists as med dispensers (I am the type who will deny use of medicine, even for pain/migraines, unless I REALLY REALLY need it)... mph. I have to go now, I'm actually at work. XD Maybe we can continue this later??
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