Some actual content? Haha!

Sep 02, 2007 10:45

So yes this is my final weekend before I am devoured by college. Le Blah.

Good news; I got a raise! It's about darn time! I've been working there for more than a year, too. I got register certified and passed the test, no biggie. I was nervous about that only because I haven't done the test initially (long story; don't ask how I became a cashier, k? k) and also facklemuffin didn't do so hot. Hmm. Anyway, yeah I'm happy with my results. We took like fifteen minutes when I got called to the office to go over my yearly review. I'm 99% happy with all of it. ^-^ The 1% has to do with advancing further, e.g. more training in different areas (blah). I believe I'm getting trained for Guest Service ("One step below Management"). That'll be fun! x-x Initially I was freaking out only because it sounds like such a big responsibility... hee. That's that.

Now the age old problem for me is to juggle school and work once again. My work has nice flexible hours though, and Shelley told me that if I ever have any problems or need to change something that I can always talk to her and she what she can do. It's an advantage for working with such a large company (what was it, seventy workers in total at my establishment, give or take the few that start then quit the next week?). ^-^ SPEAKING OF WHICH I'm working again tonight, 1-8pm. Overtime!! Ha! I need my money, college has been draining it...bleah. x-x As a side note I don't think I'll have time/money to start my other Dist cosplay until my winter break.

More good news! I got my car fixed, hopefully it won't break down again until around, say, December, after classes are over, hee hee. Old car is ooooooooooold (14 years~ but it's a crown vic, damn it! LUXURYYYY is comfortably secure o-o). I'm not too happy that winter is approaching though. My body is none too pleasant with overactive numb limbs and all (darn you, adrenal glands, darn you!). Brrrr. Although I suppose I'm happy that most of my classes are early enough (8 am) that I'll be able to get a decent parking spot before they all fill up. :D On some days I don't have class until 9am... so I might as well just leave at 7am every morning, as it is a 40 min drive or so and I'll be there at a little before 8 am. More time to get myself situated and possibly hang with some friends. ^___^ QUADRANGLE POWERRR!!! ALSO NOTABLY I AM SUPER HYPED THAT MY ESTABLISHMENT HAS A KICKASS FITNESS CENTER (and I don't have to pay a THING!)!! Now I don't have to drive out of the way to the YMCA to/from home/school/work. One less trip!! >w< I hope it's just as good as my YMCA's. ^-^ /dork

I have most of my doctor appointment stuff situated now. Thank god. I was worried that I'd have a terribly difficult time adjusting to scheduling stuff later in the day due to commuting to college and whatnot. I am used to having at least two doctor appointments a week... and I have at least four doctors so it's a bit much to juggle. Anyways... o-o

Ah! My hands are terribly cold right now. Whyyyyyyyyyyy. e-e Anyway I'm waiting for my copy of Granado Espada to finish as well as Narcissu. Hmm. Well I guess I'm off to read The Sandman! It's terribly good (oxymoron wut)! >w< Heck ANYTHING by Neil Gaiman is good... n-n Oh yeah speaking of which that reminds me!

UNIVERSITY LIBRARY! I'm so excited!!! I'm gonna visit URI tomorrow to pick up my books (...) with facklemuffin and also drop by there. Matt needs to cross-borrow (?) a book for his class from MY library and I need to sign up to get a borrower card there. ^_^ As for parking I don't quite have an actual permit yet, not until the 6th... that is when it should be ready. Hmm. If you read all of this and are still reading it, you deserve a... uh, a replica! *hands you one*


i miss my ps2, my life is amazing, other stuff, boring perhaps to some, life, school

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