"why does that scaryman have SALE! on his headband oh gosh do i wanna know"

May 17, 2007 16:53



I can't be excited until the day of; oddly enough, that is just how I am. But anyway, yeah~ tons of stuff to do to tomorrow. It's fortunate that my school is letting us out at like 10 am from school to get ready, whee!! XD The prom starts at 7 and ends at 11. We're probably eating at Gregg's afterwards or something (blah I'll be tired by then, screw food). I'm sleeping over Amy's that night. @_@;; I hope everything goes according to plan~ A PLAN FULL OF FUN, THAT IS. HAHAHA. Although there is one thing I wish could have been changed... but yeah, that's not possible. Hee. Oh well. ♥ Distance sucks.

And just so my post isn't totally useless,

KITAAA----! ROMANCHIKU!! LOLCONDOMS (for her pleasure...hahaha)
anyways Dist's little bubble says (in case you can't read it~ because the sketch paper I have SUCKS arse):
To my dearest Jade,
I want to thank you for being such a wonderfully sarcastic moron. With your unseemly (lolpreviouserror) methods and your annoying entourage... but I digress. Meet me at Keterburg Spa at 2200 hours Remday. I'll bring the wine... ♥

lol wonder if dist would actually send it. hm.


So what's up with me lately? Lesse...
-been replacing my drawing time during class with Golden Sun time xD It's a fun game and I need to finish it soon (it's facklemuffin's copy which I held hostage for about a year now)~

-ewww my other exams are coming soon so I need to wrap up grades nicely. also tons of project duedates approaching T__T BUT IN PHYSICS I GET TO FINALLY TEST (and compete against everyone else's) MY POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE! OMG, i'm excited!! It holds up to like 120 lbs now >8D

-senior awards night is coming next wednesday. my family can't attend, oh well. :/ i'm receiving 'Excellence In Italian' award which is really just another award to add to my pile, blah...*shrug*

-ALSO next wednesday, I'm making veggie maki sushi for like 40 people. it's for my eastern civ class' grant party! whee! I GET TO MAKE SUSHI FOR THE -MAYOR- AND SOME OTHER BIGWIGS! Wow! *u*

-I NEED A DAMN JOB REALLY REALLY SOON!! LIKE NOW! I've been filling out applications up the wazoo. I hope I get a break soon. Hmmm. It will become certain whether or not I'll be able to attend Otakon pretty soon. D8 If I don't get one by the beginning of June, I'm doomed... ;_; BUT I WANNA MAKE IT, EVEN IF I DIE TRYING! FOR OLD TIME'S SAKE! (SAKE..?) But yah since I won't be in school but I WILL have a job I HOPE I'll manage to be visting you guyzzzssz for more than say, four days like I was last time. Hmm. Hope my new job(?)'ll understand. 8P

-Eng AP class is holding a nice get together at North Kingston's Seven Moons on the 31st! 8)

-SENIOR CLASS TRIP ON JUNE 1ST TO LAKE CONPOUNCE WATERPARK IN CONNETICUT!!! WHEE! Which reminds me I need to buy a new bathing suit...money is icky. D|

A tad busy for May/end of May, yes? ;;; I APOLOGIZE IF I DIVE OFF THE FACE OF LJ RIGHT NOW/SOON. I doubt that'll happen though. I love writing here even if like 80% of it is just mindless blather haahhahaha hee

stuff in general, betch?!?!, busy ashi is busy, life, otakon woes, prom, art, school, dist, where is your job now

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