Yea umkay

Dec 12, 2008 12:07

Oh yea, random bit of information. Last weekend, I had my first ‘drink’.

I know that may sound kinda silly, but I was straight edge for the longest while. Apparently, I am now ok with getting tipsy. And I mean comparatively getting tipsy is no where close to getting roaring drunk, so I guess its ok. But at the same time I think of the whole ‘you can’t define sin on other people’ sort of idea, where my drink-just-a-little attitude can’t be justified as ‘ok’. So I still don’t know how I feel about it…

On one hand I’ve ALWAYS frowned on drinking. I use to pick on my friends, avoid people, and avoid parties because of alcohol and other stuff. You know? I mean a lot of my friends don’t have to think twice before saying that I don’t drink, it just wasn’t me. But is it now? Is drinking in moderation ok? Do I need alcohol to have a good time? I don’t think I need it to have a good time, I really think I’m good either way. But it may be better to be tipsy at the apartment when everyone else is drinking mainly because it would keep me from becoming annoyed/bored with them, you know?

So am I ok with this? I feel as though I’ll do it again, just drink a little. Will it escalate? I’m not sure, I hope not. I’ve had to take a care of a few drunken people and I would never want to be that person. Do I plan on partying? I don’t think so, at least not hardcore shit. I don’t want to be surrounded by sweaty drunk people with sex and drugs on their minds in a packed room with barely any lighting. If I get that far, feel free to intervene. And I have Phil to watch over me, and we’ve agreed it would be best to bring each other if we go out to a party.

See Phil doesn’t drink much either, he is the casual beer sort of guy. But then again last weekend he drank more then he had in years. He wasn’t obscene or anything, but he made me a little edgy. I TRUST him, he wasn’t that far gone, but I was super conscious of the way we interacted because we had been drinking. I really don’t feel as though I was that messed up. Moving on, I figure I’ve led myself into the world of alcohol and am now allowing myself to get tipsy if I’m around others who are drinking in a safe environment. Haha, that sounds so lame.

But eh, who thought the day would come when I drank? I almost thought I’d hold out ‘til I was 21. God, don’t tell my mother, hahaha.

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