Random thought...

Mar 08, 2015 02:06

You know, I sometime think I hate Marvel (or Disney, but its still all Marvel one way or another). I somehow want to blame them for making me watch their movies about these broken, beautiful characters, which only ends in me shipping two pairings who have forced their way into my top three OTP's. Which would be fine, except those two pairings are fucking heartbreaking and make me want to cry like an idiot at fuck o'clock in the morning.

If it's not Bucky/Steve, it's fucking Erik/Charles!

Why yes, I am reading sad fics and watching sad youtube vids. It's a sickness I say...a god forsaken addiction with no end in sight. Always with the sad fucking ships, sailing in a damn ocean of tears and heartbreak, cause if it doesn't hurt you ain't doing it right apparently.

*sighs* yeah there's no hope of me falling for happy fluffy ships sailing destinations Calm and Tranquil *goes back to youtubing sad vids*

warning: pointlessness ahead, oh glorious angst, kim is being random, #feels!, this is me muttering to myself, facepalm, what?...i'm so not procrastinating

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