
May 08, 2014 21:03

Well, I didnt get the job.....they called this afternoon, said they're sorry to have wasted my time, but they won't be hiring anyone for the position as they have decided they need to take another look at their team structure ( Read more... )

pissed off ranting is good for the soul, kim is being random, this is me muttering to myself, facepalm, fuckin...fuck!

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Comments 8

a_phoenixdragon May 8 2014, 15:03:21 UTC
I'm sorry the one job fell through, but I'm holding high hopes for the other. Silver lining indeed!! Certainly hope it is a better fit all around.

Enjoy that long weekend, dear one! You've more than earned it! Happy birthday to your brother and dad!

Hope you enjoyed the TV time, lol!! I sat here and giggled about your hubby and his avatar. Been there. Done that. With my own hubby (and his friends, lol!)



fate_incomplete May 8 2014, 21:48:12 UTC
Kinda sucks yeah, but this other job sounds good so that's something. I have a little less experience for it than the first one in some ways, so once again it's wait and see, which is needless to say annoying. Still pissed though, I had all the experience in the world for the first job, may sound a little arrogant, but if they are eventually going to hire someone once they review their team structure they are kinda stupid for not hiring me now.

My poor brother smashed (well squashed) off the end if his ring finger this week and had to get it removed back to the first knuckle, had to wait about 30 hours to get into surgery after having to drive to the nearest city as the hospital out here wouldn't do it. So he kinda deserves a nice birthday lol.

Poor hubby, I often get a giggle out of him falling asleep while playing, I look over and his character will be walking into walls, or flying into a sun, amuses me greatly, also kinda adorable. Unfortunately I fell asleep not long after so will watch my shows today instead lol.


a_phoenixdragon May 8 2014, 22:07:26 UTC
Yeah, that was...kind of idiotic. They'll be sorry and later (you just watch) they'll call you and be all 'whaddya mean you got another job?!' six months later. Ummmm...we don't just stop and WAIT for your to change your minds, arseholes. UGH.

OWWW!! Ohhh, poor guy!! Yeah, he deserves a happy birthday!

Hee - it is adorable when they do that. And hey, you two totally needed that rest! Enjoy your shows, bb...

*Loves you*


pyjamagurl May 8 2014, 20:04:01 UTC
Sorry about the job, but I will keep my fingers crossed for the other one! I suppose you could view the one that fell through as a kind of 'dry-run interview' if nothing else. It sucks they decided not to hire anyone though :/

Hope you have a fun weekend with all your celebrations! :D


fate_incomplete May 8 2014, 21:57:19 UTC
Yep, sucks. Though yeah it was probably good to get an interview under my belt. It's been three years since I've had to do one. And at least this new job has come up at the same time. So it will probably make me go into this application more determined.

Can't believe my dad is 80 and my brother is 40...40!!!



pyjamagurl May 9 2014, 16:25:29 UTC
Definitely good practise then, and definitely good this other (possibly better one) has cropped up so soon after :) I'll be rooting for you :D

Lol! it's mad eh? I turn 30 next year! Are they having a big joint celebration?


fate_incomplete May 9 2014, 22:38:18 UTC
My big brother being 40 makes me feel old, I wonder how it makes him feel lol. Oh 30 this year hun. I remember turning 25 and feeling old, for some reason that worried me more than when I hit 30. Yeah they are having a party together, about to head out and help my sister in law with the food. Will be weird seeing all the people from the small town I grew up in. I only live an hour away but pretty much haven't been back in the last 15 years except to see my brother.


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fate_incomplete May 9 2014, 00:43:06 UTC
Thanks hun, annoyed that they wasted my time, but nothing I can do about it so onto the next opportunity. Best of luck and hope you find something soon too.



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