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pyjamagurl March 19 2014, 16:58:52 UTC
I knew they had been hinting at a death for pretty much all of this half of the season (and I am not a fan of when people use this as a story hook) but I was kind of in denial about Allison being a positive. And now that I know that it was Crystal's choice because Allison was getting so much hate it makes it worse. I don't understand who hates Allison, I thought she was a good character, with a tonne of potential that they kind of squandered a fair bit this half of the season (they only really brought her out to play in the last three). I feel devastated, Chris has now lost his only child and his wife, he has no one left except his father and we all know how he feels about him. And y'know for all that Scott and Allison weren't my big OTP I really did think they would eventually have a band of dimpled children and grow old together. That being said, she went out strong, and she went out how Crystal wanted her to.

I felt the episode was a bit drawn out actually. They were clearly stalling and filling moments in to put the death off until the very end. That being said, all the build up to Lydia, and the end fight/Allison's death were all really well done, even if they were devastating.

I could have done without the twins. That really felt like filler. I also don't get why Derek would want to help them, though I know he's a good person, I just feel its not particularly organic for him to want to help them when they made him kill Boyd.

But Derek and Chris I enjoy together, I hope that continues to progress. I also am enjoying Derek's journey even though I feel he's not there enough. It's good to see him growing from the angry lost beta in S1 to the man he is now.

I like Parrish, I'm not sure where they are going with him, but I hope they don't make him another baddy. I kinda want him to be Derek's buddy just so Derek gets to hang out with someone his own age.

I have no idea how this is all going to end...


fate_incomplete March 19 2014, 21:41:47 UTC
See there's a reason I don't get too deep in fandom. There are always characters I don't like, but very few I actually hate, and those are generally characters you are meant to hate, like Admiral Cain in Battista Galactic. But to spill that hate over onto the actor baffles me.

Alison wasn't my favourite character, but I really liked her, I liked how she matured, and she was strong and had emotional complexity. She did have a lot of potential which makes her death so sad.

I hope they do Chris justice, show his grief, keep developing his character. He grew so much as a character because he wanted something better for his daughter, wanted to be seen as anything but a monster by her, she allowed him to show his honor and morality that Gerard had tried to destroy. He didnt want to become his father. So it will be interestingly see what her death does to him.

I was kinda hoping the wolfsbane would just kill the twins already. I get Derek helping them, I doubt he will ever forgive them, but I'm assuming there will be more going on with the other hunters, whoever that woman was a few eps back.

I'm hoping Parrish (that's his name!) is not another a baddy too. I kind of like him, and yes! Derek needs a friend his own age.



pyjamagurl March 19 2014, 22:03:31 UTC
I think part of why I was so baffled is that I'm not that deep in the fandom? I don't get the Allison hate at all, and for it to be so bad that the actress feels overwhelmed with it is just saddening really, because no one should be made to feel crappy about their work.

Yeah, she wasn't my favourite either (Stiles, Derek and Lydia are mine) but I too enjoyed how she matured, and she had a lot of potential I feel they didn't bother to explore because they were going to kill her off.

I honestly hope they do Chris justice (and I think Derek would be a great person for him to lean on there? Derek has lost everyone, he knows what that feels like). It's definitely a journey I'd like to see them do well, but we'll see (I hope they don't make him leave :/)

Gosh me too. They are just put in all the time when we could have that focus on characters we actually care about.



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