YAY!! finally done...

May 28, 2010 10:58


I got them done about an hour before they were due...plenty of time to spare. Well one of them wasn't done very well, but I'm just not in the mood to care, the other one I ended up quite happy with and it should do well and considering it was worth 30% of the subject its probably just as well.

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kim is being random

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Comments 8

no_eight May 28 2010, 07:26:53 UTC

... )


fate_incomplete May 28 2010, 11:31:05 UTC
lol awesome gif.

I should have some fic for you tomorrow...I was going to start the mini bang thing but I've got an idea for a Castiel fic in my head....hmmm which to do...so nice to have only the importnant things to worry about now


i_rise_inside May 28 2010, 08:15:27 UTC
*hugs* Aw, Im so glad, hun! \o/ You deserve a break. Now go and be utterly unproductive, or waste your time on everything Dean/Cas!! Ive missed your gifspams. *hinthint* ;)


fate_incomplete May 28 2010, 11:49:43 UTC
ohh look *points to desktop* *facepalm* oh right you can't see it...I'm so good at wasting time and being totally unproductive....I'll post it for you its a mini misha picspam I did for my user info page...

also icon love


pyjamagurl May 28 2010, 13:24:16 UTC
Yay for finishing you assignments! *dances*

Have some Jensen <33

... )


fate_incomplete May 28 2010, 13:28:12 UTC
oohh yay Jensen for me *hugs tight*

I loved War as well, toss up between him and Death for the best of the horsemen.


blackcalic0 May 28 2010, 14:58:44 UTC
WOOT WOOT!!! Time to put your feet up and chill!

... )


fate_incomplete May 28 2010, 22:54:39 UTC
Hee I love that gif


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