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Comments 5

a_phoenixdragon January 17 2014, 13:22:07 UTC
I know whatever you produce will not only be QUALITY, but it will have emotion and heart attached. I hope after you graphic that you fic!! I hope Muse settles to a Fandom - or, HELL - plays with ALL FANDOMS IN ONE SANDBOX!!!

*Squishes you close*


fate_incomplete January 17 2014, 13:42:39 UTC
I hope it will be good hun. You know I hummed and hahed about doing art for a challenge in the first place, then my author dropped out....everything will probably work out, I just need to whinge and let the mild case of panic out for some exercise. And my new author is wonderful and sweet, so....

Ugh, I NEED TO WRITE. It has been far, far too long. I've been wanting to write spn and teen wolf fic, and I have a half finished eleven/jack fic waiting to be finished, just can't settle on anything. It's been that bad that I haven't even tried to write anything for months, it's well past the pulling out hair in frustration stage. PWP is probably a good idea, at least I don't need to find a plot idea then lol.

*cuddles you*


a_phoenixdragon January 17 2014, 15:17:13 UTC
Ahhh, don't worry yourself over it though. Just know when it comes it will be awesome. Trust me, I always get anxious and all it does is lock me up.

*Rubs your shoulders*

*Loves on you*


dazedrose January 17 2014, 13:23:35 UTC
Welcome to life as an artist *hugs*.

I personally never feel like any of my stuff even remotely makes up for the amazing fics I chose. I feel really bad for the writers when all I can offer then is my dodgy manips. But I expect that's how writers feel on the flip side. I bet you did an amazing job. You are an amazing writer so I bet yourPS skill rock too


fate_incomplete January 17 2014, 13:51:25 UTC
Lol, thanks hun.

I was nervous signing up, and having another attack of nerves now I'm doing additional art for the fic based my art prompt. Good to know I'm not the only one who worries about it.

My writing skills are currently gathering dust in the midst of a massive block, so putting my PS skills to use instead so I can get some sort of creative outlet.



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