Jun 17, 2013 23:14
I have been struggling to write anything for well over 6 months now, so decided that begging for some prompts from my flist in hopes of kicking this block may be called for...So, if anyone has any prompts feel free to drop me a comment. Can't promise a plethora of words, but I promise to write at least a drabble for each one. Gen, slash, het, just give me anything angsty and emotional, sweet and gentle, hard and angry, or anything at all to kick start my muse. Any prompts for -
Doctor Who - Eleven, Jack, River, Clara, Rory, Amy
Supernatural - Dean, Cas
Teen Wolf - Stiles, Derek
Sherlock - Sherlock, John
*squishes everyone*
bowties are cool,
omnisexual time traveller,
oh glorious angst,
eleven/amy: the romance that'll never be,
cas has phone issues he'll call you back,
eleven/clara impossibly perfect,
paradox wrapped in a coat,
the impossible girl,
dean/cas have corrupted me,
sherlock: a matter of deduction,
what?...i'm so not procrastinating,
spn owns my soul,
the girl who waited,
hello sweetie,
stiles wants a good time,
doctor who: love of the impossible,
sometimes you just need porn,
roranicus pondicus,
sherlock/john: people are going to talk,
dean "i think i'm adorable" winchester,
hyper sexy eleven