The Doctor's Name...

May 19, 2013 22:48

I just finished the episode....HOLY FUCK!!!! I watch a lot of television, and I mean a lot. I get so sucked into the stories, get swept away, they make me laugh, cry, leave me joyous and hurting...So when I say that was the best episode of anything I have ever's saying something...

Of course there would be nothing as simple as a body to turn to dust, and what else indeed would they bury him in. The TARDIS, with him till the end, holding his time stream within was simply beautiful. I never dared imagine what would happen when he finally died, and what Moffat created was stunning in its perfection.

River. God River, an echo, not able to let go until she said goodbye. That kiss! Everything he said to her...GUH!  It was heartbreaking and beautiful and fitting for who she was and what she meant to him, will always mean to him. Her story has always been heartbreaking, stunningly so, and for me this was such a grand way to end it, really end it. He should not have been able to see her, but he did, he always did, damn yeah here Moffat, have my damn tears...

And Clara, oh Clara. I have loved her and she has made me cry from her first appearance in the asylum, this episode just dialed those emotions off the scale. The brave impossible girl, who saved him, who had always saved him, scattering herself across his timeline, no wonder she drew him out of the darkness in London, brought him back to himself. She broke my heart in the best possible way, her loyalty, her bravery...yeah what the hell, wring a few more tears from me Moffat!  I love that there is still that slither of mystery about her with River's last teasing use of 'spoilers'. (And yay!! the vid I have been working on all week actually makes more sense in my head after this ep!)

The Doctor...What do I even say? All his emotion...that was what made this episode, what has always made Eleven my Doctor. Every play of those emotions over Matt's damn face this ep hit me in the chest, left me reeling and wanting more. this is who the doctor is!

The tease of his name all season and now the tantalising glimpse of what I assume will be in the 50th? Colour me intrigued, and excited, times a thousand!

Now I am off to rewatch that all over again, I don't care if I'll be tired for work tomorrow...

It left me shaking. I can't even form the blew me away. I didn't know what to expect, but even my improbable dreams and far flung hopes for what this episode would be didn't come close. This was better. So much better...

the impossible girl, hello sweetie, bowties are cool, omfg squee, doctor who: love of the impossible, hyper sexy eleven

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