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pyjamagurl October 12 2012, 23:23:14 UTC
S6 was such a fustercluck for me, there were too many plots thrown into the mix for a start and little direction, and then what they did to Cas just broke my heart and my spirit in so many ways that I swore I was done with the show. I saw the finale, and I have now seen a few episodes here and there of S7 as they aired here, but yeah it's not very good at all. But yes, it's kind of weird and exciting to actually be looking forward to new episodes. I'm so glad they are finally giving Dean the growth he deserves. I got so tired at being so angry with him for constantly throwing up walls where Cas is concerned. They've known one another for what, six years now if you count all the time jumps? That's long dang time enough that Dean should realise that Cas isn't just passing through.

I don't think they will be dragging it out too long, honestly, Cas isn't in it again until 8x05, and from what I've heard eps 7/8 are really important for Cas. But yes I am completely looking forward to seeing how they bring him back, and what his dynamic is going to be with both Dean and the other angels, and where his arc is going to go (I trust Carver, I always felt like he viewed Cas as both important to the show, and important to the Winchesters, but that might just be me xD)

Teen Wolf is still my love of all loves at the moment xD Merlin is pretty good so far, and SPN I'm enjoying, as well as Fringe and Grimm, but TW is the one I'm all involved in xD

*hugs* (It's so awesome to talk to you again, and babble about SPN with you, I've missed that, I've been flailing at Vee all day too, I've missed that xD)


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