Those we don't remember

Aug 04, 2012 21:40

Title: Those we don't remember.
Author: fate_incomplete
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst
Spoilers: None
Characters: Jack Harkness, Rory
Word Count: 770
A/N: Written for ljgeoff who wanted some Jack/Rory PWP, well this doesn't have any porn to speak of, but I hope you like it anyway.
Summary: You know, it's not the remembering that is hard. It's not having lifetime, upon ( Read more... )

fic, omnisexual time traveller, oh glorious angst, doctor who: love of the impossible, roranicus pondicus, paradox wrapped in a coat

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Comments 11

ljgeoff August 4 2012, 15:50:09 UTC
This is lovely! Very angsty.

One of the things that I love about Jack is that he can go from joie de vivre, to angst, and back again without pulling a muscle. And the love of life is *genuine* -- very much like the Doctor, really.

I love this kiss. I really like this fic -- I want more! Can we all play with it?


fate_incomplete August 4 2012, 22:24:59 UTC
Thank you hun! I thought about trying to write something more porny, but once I started this just felt more right. I adore writing Jack, he fascinates me, especially an older Jack like this. I am a massive Jack/Eleven shipper, that's probably my OTP for Doctor Who, but I really enjoyed writing this bit with Rory, and could happily write some more.

If you want to write more for it feel free to. I'm still hoping Phoenix will add something too. I had the idea while writing this that Jack was still very much hung up on the Doctor though he sees anything happening there as an impossibility, but he was drawn to Rory because of everything they share.



a_phoenixdragon August 5 2012, 01:44:34 UTC
Gods...this was delicious...omg!!! WANT MORE. GIMME!! GIMMMMMMEEE!!






fate_incomplete August 5 2012, 03:27:30 UTC
I really wasn't sure if I could write these two together, but then this happened. It was fun to write.

ooh ideas *cackles* you know you want to write it!

I may come back and play with this more one day, but now I just want to see what you could do with it.



a_phoenixdragon August 5 2012, 03:33:46 UTC
You did a gorgeous job. I won't even come close to doing what you can with it, but I'll give it a shot and continue from where you left off.

Gods. I wanna. but I don't. But I WANNA. *Whimpers*

Maybe we can pass it back and forth. Like illicit drugs. Or a person used for illicit sex. *Cackles*


fate_incomplete August 5 2012, 03:42:21 UTC
Aw thanks hun, but you know I just adore how you write Rory. I rarely write him, and just don't have a grasp on him, which is why I wrote this from Jack's POV. But I know you will do him so well in this type of story.

This sort of illicit drug I will happily pass back and forwards hun, it's damn addictive, and like ljgeoff said on her post, friends help friends write porn!


maldeluxx August 6 2012, 12:43:36 UTC
Now I really want more *hugs both* I love the mood in this, nothing too dramatic yet very graspable :) <3<3


fate_incomplete August 6 2012, 20:56:11 UTC
Thank you, I really liked writing this piece, and will likely come back to it. Glad you enjoyed it!


pinigir August 6 2012, 18:37:06 UTC
Loved this little moment between Rory and Jack. :-)


fate_incomplete August 6 2012, 20:57:42 UTC
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!


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