Looking for inspiration...

Aug 02, 2012 20:35

I have been sitting in front of my computer for almost an hour wanting to write something, but my mind has gone completely blank. I have three WIP's open and none of them are sparking any inspiration at all.

So, if anyone is interested...comment with a character/pairing or prompt and I will write a drabble for you...Doctor Who (Eleventh era and ( Read more... )

meme, warning: pointlessness ahead, kim is being random, this is me muttering to myself, writing, what?...i'm so not procrastinating

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Comments 24

betawho August 2 2012, 13:57:17 UTC
Prompt: 11th Doctor, River, balloons.

I've got an AO3 account, but apparently they're saying there are no new invitations available. I tried. I got mine just by using their "Invitation" button on their main page and waiting.

Out of curiosity, where did you get that "Word Count" meter on the side of your page? Or is it just a graphic you put up?


fate_incomplete August 3 2012, 23:16:23 UTC
ooh Eleven & River, I haven't written them for a while! Plan on writing for all the prompt over the weekend.

I clicked on that invitation button thing the other day and it said there were 32,000 people in the queue, which seems like a lot of people. But Lone says she has one anyway.

The word count meter comes from here I just copy the code into my side bar. I change the option for width to 70%. There are other things you can change like colour and what not, but I don't bother changing anything other than the width.


betawho August 4 2012, 02:15:54 UTC
That's fantastic. Now I can keep track of how much I'm writing. I didn't even know there was a program like this out there. You learn something new every day.


fate_incomplete August 4 2012, 06:26:23 UTC
I ended up writing this about paper lanterns instead of balloons, but that's pretty close right? Here it is - Paper Lanterns

I hope you enjoy it.


pyjamagurl August 2 2012, 16:42:58 UTC
You should write some Teen Wolf *nods*

I don't have any AO3 invites, sorry, but as betawho said, you should just click their invitation button, they really don't take long to give you one (or I got mine fairly quickly).

I am no help at all. *slinks off*


fate_incomplete August 3 2012, 23:20:01 UTC
Somehow I knew you would ask for Teen Wolf. I have been resisting the urge to write something for it, but who am I to resist anything you ask hun. Will try my hand at something for Stiles and Derek.

Yeah I looked at that the other day and there were 32,000 people on the wait list. But Lone looks to have one, so its all good.

*squishes adorable you*


fate_incomplete August 5 2012, 06:03:50 UTC
Hey hun, I wrote a little something, hope you enjoy it - The strangest thing



lonewytch August 2 2012, 17:09:16 UTC
I have an A03 invite, i just need your email address hon.

Oooh! I'm still watching SPN, so could i have some Series 4 era Dean/Cas prompt: healing.


fate_incomplete August 3 2012, 23:25:38 UTC
Oh awesome hun, I will PM my address to you!! *squishes you happily*

Ah season 4 era Dean/Cas. Its been a while since I wrote them, but I started writing a superwho fic last weekend, so a little drabble might just be the thing to get me back into the groove with them.


fate_incomplete August 4 2012, 12:57:21 UTC
It's just a short little piece hun, I hope you enjoy it - What makes you different?



a_phoenixdragon August 2 2012, 20:40:38 UTC
11th Doctor/Jack - Engine Failure.

I'll see if I can request one. You srsly need to be on AO3!!



*Sends chocolate for Muse*


fate_incomplete August 3 2012, 23:33:33 UTC
Oh Eleven/Jack, you know my weaknesses hun! Hmm, engine failure, that just sounds delicious.

Lone says that she has an invite she can email to me, so it should be good hun. It has taken me weeks and I still haven't archived all of my Who fics over to Teaspoon yet, so hate to think how long it will take to move all of my fics, (which I think its sitting somewhere around 60 fics at the moment) to AO3. I probably will never get around to archiving all of them.

*devours chocolate*


a_phoenixdragon August 4 2012, 01:42:04 UTC
GUH...all wires and sparks and half dressed men and...STOP ME!!

Awesome!! I look forward to seeing your face there!!

BTW...there is a cheaters trick to it, lol!! You can actually use URLS from Eljay (they disabled ones that could load from FF.Net at FF's request) and it will LOAD THE FIC FOR YOU. Some editing here and there - and BAM. Insta-fic-load. Well. Not really. But you understand what I mean. No extra steps, cut out the middle-man.


*wanders off to write more useless MArthur*


fate_incomplete August 4 2012, 02:37:18 UTC
Yeah that was what I was originally seeing, but I have been listening to Florence and the Machine this morning, and things have taken a 180 turn into the dark and disturbed. But I'm pretty sure you won't mind...hopefully.

Oh, I like cheaters tricks ;) will have to look for that.



ljgeoff August 3 2012, 00:02:39 UTC
fate_incomplete August 3 2012, 23:38:31 UTC
Hmm Rory/Jack. I can try to write something for that, but you know I suck at writing porn right? But I might be able to drabble something and toss it phoenix's way to tempt her to write something more for you, because I'm evil like that lol.


a_phoenixdragon August 4 2012, 02:41:32 UTC
I see you plotting against me!! Why you, Laura and Dana do that?!





fate_incomplete August 4 2012, 03:16:26 UTC
*delights in my own wickedness*

Ah, we do it cause we love you and take pleasure in tempting that devilish muse of yours out to play!

*looks for that pitchfork to poke your muse some more*



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