Pondering on writing

Jul 25, 2012 23:07

After reading fics the last two weeks in the Teen Wolf fandom, I got to pondering about POV, which led me to reading an article on About.com about First Person & Limited and Omniscient Third Person perspective. The article mentioned that apparently most writers start out using first person, possibly because it is the more personal view point and they are telling their story. I honestly can't think of a story I have ever written in first Person.

I have a possible explanation for that involving self confidence issues and not wanting to tell my story as it's not worthy, and would much rather get caught up in telling some one else's. Which is, yeah, an entirely too deep a thought for this time of the night when I should be going to bed. But it did get me thinking.

Most of my writing falls under the omniscient POV, and sometimes switching to limited. Some of the Teen Wolf fics I have read this week have had a definite and very effective limited view point, namely from the character of Stiles, which I have found fascinating. A few of the authors have written their fics with such a strong Stiles voice through the non dialogue bits of the story that just really sucked you into the story. Case in point would be this fic.

Anyway, all of this has made me want to try switching up POV in some of my fics and maybe pay a little more attention to it.

Now I am far from having a strong understanding on the technical aspects of writing, but this is just something I found interesting and want to try. Anyway, not quite sure what the point of this post was, except to maybe pick the brain of some of the other writers on my flist. So if you have any thoughts I want to hear them, or not, maybe you just had something really interesting to say about the weird things your neighbors are up to, who knows...

long winded rambling, kim is being random, this is me muttering to myself, writing, what?...i'm so not procrastinating

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