God damn it!

Apr 07, 2012 22:23

I have had a pit in my stomach all season from the idea that one of the Lincolns was going to die and couldn't possibly choose which one I would have preferred to go as I love them both. Lincoln has been my favourite character pretty much since he showed up. Just argh!!! all my shows are all sad and depressing lately it seems. As much as I adored Olivia/Peter in the early seasons I fell for Lincoln/Olivia hard, even if I couldn't decide which Lincoln and Olivia I wanted together.

I have read theories on tumblr that he may not be dead, just not sure I can get my hope up that any of the theories can be true, especially as we don't know if the show is going to be cancelled or not. Which means there may only be 5 eps left.

Loved the episode, how could I not with finally so much of both Lincs, and alt!verse which I adore, but damn...

So yep, this is me, over in a corner, all sad and depressed....

“You can keep waiting for somebody else to define you, to give you your place in the world, or you can decide that you’re not just somebody’s broken puppet anymore. CHOOSE!”

fringe: weird science just got sexy

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