When I started watching Doctor Who again a few weeks ago I never thought it would make me cry, but it has, several times, but this takes the cake...
Oh Doctor, you glorious, glorious man. I had tears rolling down my cheeks watching the new episode. Matt Smith is amazing.
I started getting teary when he was poisoned, and then when he was in the Tardis calling for Amelia, I started crying. When he was talking to River and the robot thing and asked Amy and Rory to save their daughter, it got worse, and then the tears started rolling down my cheeks when he was crawling to the Tardis and asking for River to help him and they kept coming when she saved him. I wasn't expecting this episode to be so emotional, and it just caught me, and won't let me go.
Amazing....and lol they saved Hitler, that probably shouldn't be funny, but it kinda is...gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the diabaled, oh River, even if you do kill the Doctor, you are amazing. I'm off to bed now, still rather emotional...somehow my love for Eleven just keeps building...