Random dcbb muttering...

Jul 17, 2011 16:10

You wouldn't think it would be all that hard to get Dean and Cas into the sack together when they are in a motel room with Cas half naked and soaking wet, yet strangely it is??? Damn obstinate Dean and oblivious Cas....

ETA: Well, a few hours and a thousand word sex scene later, and we're all finally satisfied....

warning: pointlessness ahead, kim is being random, this is me muttering to myself, writing

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Comments 6

a_carnal_mink July 17 2011, 06:22:35 UTC

They always wanna talk, damn 'em...


fate_incomplete July 17 2011, 07:26:47 UTC
lol they do! Damn stubborn fools...


rackoninnc July 17 2011, 15:19:48 UTC
You'd also think it would be relatively easy to get Castiel into the sack with a nice girl...took me three chapters to get them there and then I couldn't write the sex...too few penises! What is happening to me????


fate_incomplete July 17 2011, 22:00:49 UTC
too few penises
lol for some reason that amuses me far more than it should. But then again, sitting up until midnight to get the sex scene finished and then having to get up for work, yeah, I have my priorites right...


rackoninnc July 17 2011, 22:05:33 UTC
Try 4 am for me...this stuff has consumed me.

I find it vaguely amusing that I can write guy on guy sex better than guy on girl...let's not even discuss girl on girl. I took a challenge to write girl!Dean girl!Cas and I'm wallowing around in how they got that way and avoiding the sex for as long as possible!


fate_incomplete July 17 2011, 22:21:32 UTC
Funnily enough guy on guy is all I have written, I put it off for so long sticking with preslash, I've still only done a couple of scenes. I always asuumed het would be easier, so sat down to try writing that before I did my first dean/cas scene. I think a wrote like two sentences, before giving up and just writing the dean/cas scene


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