*is still breathing*

Jun 23, 2011 21:12

My god it has been forever since I posted anything. Between work, being hit with a bad bout of hayfever, not wanting to read anything dean/cas related and snuggling on the couch trying to stay warm now that winter is fully here, I just haven't found the time or desire to wander around LJ or the net in general ( Read more... )

warning: pointlessness ahead, kim is being random, this is me muttering to myself, writing

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Comments 8

i_rise_inside June 23 2011, 16:23:05 UTC
I hope you are all well now, hun! *hugs* Staying from everything SPN leaves little to talk about, no? :(

I could suggest you some shows... Which ones do you watch/have watched?


fate_incomplete June 23 2011, 21:52:39 UTC
Still having trouble with my hayfever, we have had so much rain over the last 18months that there is just so much grass and everything around.

I'm not really watching many new shows at the moment. Lets see....White Collar, Fringe, Merlin, Supernatural, Bones, Big Bang Theory...hmm I think thats about all the current shows I'm watching. I don't really know what I want to watch, but considering three shows on that list came from shows my flist was watching I thought I'd throw it out there.

How things been with you hun? I've been offline for so long I feel all out of touch.


i_rise_inside June 24 2011, 12:31:46 UTC
ugh bb, i'm sorry! *holds* Feel better soon! Does it rain a lot there in winters?

Hmm, the shows i've watched recently and LOVED are Dexter, Community, Modern Family, Castle and Misfits. Watch the BBC version of Sherlock too, it's amazing. You could give Glee a shot too. I want to watch Game of Thrones now, it's the new rage apparently.

I've been okay, hun, thanks. Busy with work and pretending i don't care that i have no social life anymore. :/


fate_incomplete June 24 2011, 12:50:57 UTC
It doesn't usually rain here much at all but there have been floods all over the state several times in the last twelve months. So yeah not good for my allergies when we live on forty acres with grass waist high everywhere.

I saw you talking about Game of Thrones on your journal I might check that out too. I was watching Dexter on and off up unill the end of season 4. I might check out Sherlock, I'm quite fond of british shows, and have been meaning for ages to watch Castle, I've only seen an epsiode or two.

Aww social lives are overrated anyway hun (says the women who likes to live under a rock and quite often pretends the rest of the world doesn't exist).


pyjamagurl June 23 2011, 19:23:01 UTC
*hugs* I still feel like most Dean/Cas stuff needs to be avoided...I've read AUs and that's it.

Good luck with the interview! It would be good to get something related to the field your studying after all :)

I have started watching Castle, it's pretty good. I'm not sure what you've all watched but I have Justified, Dexter, Warehouse 13 and Band of Brothers on my to-watch list at the moment. I suggest Modern Family if you are looking for lols though :)


fate_incomplete June 23 2011, 22:38:54 UTC
*huggles* I'm just starting to miss reading dean/cas fic. I think I might almost be ready to read some older ones. I thought I had been fairly indiffernet to the finale, but obviously not with the way I have shunned everything supernatural for the last month. I need to get back to writing so I can finish off that gen bigbang fic. Might start poking my head back into fandom over the weekend.

Hmm haven't actually heard of a couple of those shows, will have to check them out. I just seem to have a black hole when it comes to new episodes/shows to watch at the moment. I have about 5 episodes of Fringe to catch up on, the new eps of White Collar and thats it at the moment. Planning on watching the Fringe eps on the weekend.

I'm not even sure what the last new movie we watched was. We have a crap small cinema here with horribly uncomfortable seats and the movies only play for a week or two, so I tend to miss them and have to wait for them to come out on DVD.


pyjamagurl June 24 2011, 11:15:31 UTC
To be honest I've been missing Dean/Cas for a long long time, it took until 6x17 for me to realise how much. I've been reading older fic and AUs that still capture the essence of their relationship. I've been avoiding S6 related things like the plague in all honesty. Good luck with your gen BB fic though :)

Cool! Ooh you should catch up on Fringe, it gets even more awesome :) I have still to catch up on White Collar also, I've been so busy watching Castle instead lol.

Ewwy I'm sorry your nearby cinema is sucky. I hardly ever go to the cinema usually, but there are a horde or comic book movies on the go and comic book movies are my very favourite :D


fate_incomplete June 24 2011, 12:37:55 UTC
I was reading a ridiculous amount of dean/cas fics during season six which I think was partially making up for the lack in the show, but just couldn't bring myself to read anything after the finale. Quite sad really. Its been that long since I looked at my BB I've almost forgotten what I was writing about, I think I only have a couple of weeks to get in finished now.

There does seem to be a huge amount of comic book adaptions coming out at the moment doesn't there. Hopefully they wil be good. I been in one of those moods for several months where I haven't wanted to watch any movie except for ones that I know are going to excellent. Hence I haven't watched much at all. I think the last new movies we watched were from late last year. Last ones I can think of are Inception and Harry Potter, surley I must have watched something since then, but for the life of me can't think of what.


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