Random meme...

Apr 20, 2011 09:51

Time for a meme, because, well I can....Stolen from blackcalic0

HAVE YOU EVER---------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Not really
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: ah no
* Been in a car accident: Yes.
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes.
* Had an imaginary friend: I don't think I really had just one imaginary friend, we lived out of town and my brother and sister were quite a bit older than me, so I spent a lot of time playing by myself, hence I had an overly active imagination, I was a strange kid.
* Cried during a movie: God yes, numerous times.
* Had a crush on a teacher: Sort of, my english/science teacher in year 9 and 10 got me hugely interested in writing and science again after my loss of interest in school during year 8. I thought he was incrediably cool. Not exactly your usual crush but there you go.
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Some animated drawing of chicks can be pretty sexy. Can't think of any characters in particular though.
* Had a New Kids On the Block tape: Didn't have a tape just of theirs, but I had a couple of their songs on some mixed tapes...I'm showing my age I guess...
* Been on stage: Yes, had to do a valedictory speech in year 10.
* Cut your hair: No, have cut my husbands once.

* Shampoo: I tend to chop and change
* Color: don't know, black, red, green, blue, purple?? I really don't know.
* Day/Night: Night.
* Summer/Winter: hmm winter probably, as our summers can be unbearably hot most years.
* Lace or satin: either..neither *shrugs*
* Cartoon Characters: hmm I loved Wolverine and Gambit when I was a kid
* Food: depends on my mood...steak, anything with chocolate, lasagne, cheesecake, cold watermelon in summer...
* Fave Movie: god I can never pick a favourite movie, again it depends on my mood. I love everything from a good action to a romantic comedy to Scifi
* Fave Ice Cream: Cookies and cream or chocolate and caramel
* Fave Subject: Ancient history, biology and geography.
* Fave Drink: alcoholic - vodka and orange, non alcoholic - black tea or fruit punch.

------------------RIGHT NOW------------
* Wearing: old t-shirt and yoga pants.
* Eating: hot cross bun.
* Drinking: Black tea
* Thinking about: What I'm going to do for the day seeing as its flooding again and I'm not going to work.
* Listening to: MASH
* Talking to: Husband.
* Watching: MASH.

---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
* Cried: No.
* Worn a skirt: God no. 
* Met someone new: No.
* Cleaned your room: ah no, though my house really needs a good clean.
* Done laundry: No.
* Drove a car: No.

* Yourself: Mostly.
* Friends: Yes.
* Santa Claus: No, hmm don't know if I ever did?
* Destiny/Fate: Sort of, not really...I don't know, things generally seem to work out, not sure if that's exactly destiny or not
* Angels: no, love them on TV though.
* Ghosts: No
* UFO's: I think there is life of some description out there, but why on earth would they ever bother coming here? So no, I don't think there are ufo's orbiting the planet with aliens studying us...

* Bf/gf: Yes, my husband and I have been together for going on 12 years
* Ever been in love: Yes.
* Cheated on anyone: No.
* Ever done a "drunken stupid mistake": Yes.
* Ever had a lesbian/gay experience: No.

-----TELL THE TRUTH!!-----------
Would you ever:
* Pay for sex: No.
* Strip for money: No
* Play strip poker: Only with hubby lol.
* Work in McDonalds: Straight out of school  I worked at McDonalds for the month it took me to find something better. I hated it, and probably would have gotten fired anyway as I flat out refused to be stupidly happy and smiling like we were meant to be...I was working at Macca's for christ sake, how was I meant to be happy!
* Lie:  everyone does.
* Bitch about someone: yeah everybody does that at some stage too.
* What's the best feeling in the world: ah snuggling with hubby, sitting out in the bush somewhere where their isn't a human in sight and its wonderfully quite (yeah I'm a country girl and a bit of a loner), watching an awesome epsiode of a tv show for the first time, being so absorbed in writing I loose track of time, having a philosophical conversation with my hubby, watching my idiot dogs playing at dusk when its so quiet and peaceful. And lots of other things but I won't bore you...

hmm looks like I will be having the rest of the week off due to the flooding. So a whole week at home...hmm lots of time to get some writing done....

meme, warning: pointlessness ahead, kim is being random

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