To Ship or not to Ship.....The Dean/Cas Question Part 1.

Apr 21, 2010 23:43

I have been madly in love with these two since the very first scene with Castiel, but have never been too sure on just what to make of their relationship….comrades in arms, broken and lost souls finding common ground, a hero and his angelic boyfriend…..a conversation on FF got my thoughts going about it so I thought I’d put some of them down here ( Read more... )

dean "i think i'm adorable" winchester, spn owns my soul, dean/cas have corrupted me, cas has phone issues he'll call you back, picspamage

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Comments 28

i_rise_inside April 21 2010, 16:29:38 UTC
A+ post. bb! I agree with, like everything, haha.

That first D/C scene is still one of my favourite Castiel scenes, I love how within minutes of meeting Dean, he sees through him, the demons that haunt him, how little he thinks of himself and how fucking terrified he is, and isnt afraid to tell him that. I think the something between them was apparent from the very start ( ... )


fate_incomplete April 21 2010, 21:34:55 UTC
thanks V *hugs*

There really was something between them from the very beginning. Seeing the intereaction between these two very powerful personanlites is so intruiging and obsorbing.

I love that Cas sees Dean for who he is too, just as Dean. In these early scenes there was almost no expectaion on Cas's part, he was just curious about Dean himself, his determination, stubborness, and absolute sense of right and wrong. Overtime as their bond got stronger, especially in season 5, this has changed as he has placed so much faith in Dean, and lost so much, that he needs Dean to recipricate. But he has seen Dean at his worst and was still there for him.

I finished this at midnight last night so happy it makes sense :)


argyleowl April 21 2010, 19:08:43 UTC
Thanks for putting this up :) I love this pair so much- I liked Supernatural well enough before Cas came into it, but it was only when he arrived that I got pretty obsessive about it and I love the Dean/ Cas relationship, and these early scenes are so intense.


fate_incomplete April 21 2010, 21:40:10 UTC
Thanks. I have only become obsessed with SPN because of these two as well. I love the first seasons, but Cas just adds so much more, for someone who supposedly has little emotion, he adds so MUCH emotion to the show that I can't help but be so taken with him. Him and Dean make my so empathetic I need to see more of them, to know their story.


shiba08 April 22 2010, 04:19:38 UTC
haha actually i love your tone as you explain this relationship. It is very wonderful and entertaining to read. This is actually more thought out than i expected it be. I don't mean that in an insulting way. It's just there is more insight to this that i never really would never have thought of. And i think that's brilliant of you to put it in words. Well done. I really do look forward to your continuation on these two^_^

Well done (and that's an understatement^_^)


fate_incomplete April 22 2010, 04:30:08 UTC
Thanks, it was interesting going back over their early interactions given everything that has happened to them this season. So much has changed yet stayed the same. And picspaming is always fun... :)


skimthesurface April 22 2010, 04:30:03 UTC
Very interesting commentary! I largely agree with all you wrote and am looking forward to part two!


(The comment has been removed)

fate_incomplete April 22 2010, 06:26:27 UTC
thanks :) I don't mind if you friend me *waves* i like supernatural/Dean/Cas/Misha/Jensen friends....


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