Five Acts meme

Jan 07, 2011 16:22

Ok, I've been saying for ages that I want to finally write some porn, so thought I'd plunge in and join the fun...

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

My Five Acts:
  1. Breath (as a caress; hitching or ragged; indrawn breath or gasps; sighs)
  2. Coming without being touched, friction, coming quickly, especially if there has been lots of UST lead up 
  3. Emotional themes - broken characters; guilt and shame; sadness and grief; characters who can't go home again; nightmares; loneliness;
  4. Touching (stroking and caressing; huddling for warmth; touching as UST; brief brushes of contact either deliberate or accidental; thighs brushing under a table; comic physical entanglements; someone gripping a wounded character's hand)
  5. Loss of control (emotional, physical, situational, etc. Especially if character A loses it because character B has been injured or is in danger etc)
I love gen and preslash. I especially love UST or small intimate moments. Of course I'm equally happy with down and dirty porn. I also love angst.


Supernatural - Dean/Cas, Michael/Lucifer
Fringe - Peter/Olivia, Olivia/Lincoln
BSG - Apollo/Starbuck,  Helo/Athena, Helo/Starbuck, Six/Gaius
Stargate -  SG1 - Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack, Sam/ Cameron Atlantis -  Ronan/Teyla
TSCC - John/Cameron, Derek/anyone except John
Bones - Booth/Bones
Merlin - Merlin/Morgana

Echoes SPN: Dean/Cas, Apocalypse/Angst, PG
"Ties" Between Us. SPN: Dean/Cas, Accidental Stimulation/Neck/Clothes, PG


meme, omfg another fic challange

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