End of Year Meme...

Dec 31, 2010 15:21

Well new years eve so time for an end of year meme thing...

Fandom meme...

Your main fandom of the year?
Well no surprises here. Supernatural. Its the first show I have ever really gotten involved in the fandom of. Its a show that sends my emotions on a rollercoaster ride. It makes me think, unlike so many shows.

Your favourite film this year?
Probably Inception. There hasn't actually been all that many wow type movies this year I don't think. But I loved Inception it was smart and Eames Arthur was just too yummy not to love watching. It may be cheating but I didn't see Sherlock until the start of this year so it can go in here too. I seriously loved the dynamic between Holmes and Watson.

Your favourite bookd read this year?
I have hardly read anything this year. I usually read all the time but just haven't found the time this year. I think I only read 2 or 3 books. One of them by my favourite author but she was sick with cancer when she wrote it and unfortunatly it showed. I've read a lot of fanfic though, a lot of which were amazing.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
I also haven't listend to much new music this year either. Listened to alot of old music like 70's rock classics. Also a lot of fairly mellow music while I have been writing and working. Nothing really stands out though.

Your favourite TV show of the year?
Hmm bit of a toss up. I really enjoyed season 5 of Supernatural. I loved the first half of season 3 of Fringe. Still enjoying Bones and Criminal Minds. Enjoyed the last season of Lost though I didn't like the finale though most people seemed to. Loving White Collar.

Your favourite game of the year?
No question there, Mass Effect 2. Loved it and am still playing it.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Well I'm not into the fandoms of other shows so will say Supernatural. I only started watching it at the ned of last year and watched all 4 seasons in about a month last September and really got into the fandon at the start of this year. Its what got me onto LJ.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Can't really think of any. Didn't enjoy the last episode of Lost so maybe that.

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
This is a little hard to pick but there are some that stand out. Apparently I have a thing for FBI agents (or you know, people impersonating FBI agents) I really don't have to pick just one do I? Can't I have all of them?

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
This one is easy. Olivia Dunham. She is a stand out for me. Such a strong female character yet still maintaining her femininity. There is something alluring about her that is so hard to define.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Oh so many. There were some great Dean and Cas moments. Freshest one is from the final episode of the year when Dean finally told Cas he knew he had so much on his plate and Cas said he would rather be on earth with Dean. There were some lovely moments in My Bloody Valentine and the looks between Dean and Cas at the start of The Song Remains the Same. There are plenty of other moments. Cas being all bad ass always makes me squee, so any time he kicks someones ass or gets into Dean's personal space or gets extra growly.

There were some great scenes with Olivia and Peter in Fringe. They are so sweet together. And Bones and Booth are still wonderful together. Hmm I'm sure I could name all sorts of stuff in here but my minds gone blank.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
I miss Stargate even though it finished ages ago. Also miss Battlestar Galactica.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I have tried out a few new shows recently. Decided to see what V was like and actually enjoyed it. Just started watching Merlin and am loving it, its one show I will be buying. Don't really know what other shows are around, I have been trying out shows that seeem to circulate around my flist and have come across some great shows. Thats how I got into Fringe, White Collar, Merlin.

Writing meme -

Total number of completed stories: 19
Total word count: Approx - 75,000

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
A lot more. I had hardly done any writing for close to ten years. Certainly not anything like I have written this year. I did a few short stories and lots of prose when I was a teenager, but hadn't really written much since. I'm rather amazed by how much I have written and how easy the writing is starting to come now. I have gotten so much enjoyment and satisfaction from getting back into writing and don't see myself stopping again.

What's your own favorite story of the year?
I think my favourite one is the fic I have just finished but haven't posted yet called A Wish and a Prayer. Its a fairly long fic that I wrote in a couple of weeks, it flowed so well. Its about Dean being alone and lost and wanting what he thinks he can't have, set in the year between season 5 and 6.

Did you take any writing risks this year?
I have taken some. Tried to write new scenarios/genres. I have never written lighthearted before, I prefer the angst, so have done a few along that vein and found that I enjoy writing them and they have come to me a lot easier that I thought they would. I have been wanting to do a sex scene but still haven't done one. I think I will try doing one that isn't Dean/Cas as I really enjoy the tension between them rather than the resolution of that tension by them actually being together.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I want to write more original fic. I actually have a few ideas for long, possibly novel length original stories. I need to pick one and start writing it. I love writing fic as it gives the confidence levels a boost as people actually read them. I have also started writing longer fics which has helped me to realise I can actually do longer stories. So that's my new years resolution,to write at least one of the ideas I have. To flesh out original characters and world and get one of them finished.

My best story of this year:
Hmm I would probably pick A Wish and a Prayer. Though of the ones that have been posted probably Held Captive, I sat down with the goal of writing a more poetic piece and feel that I acomplished that.

My most popular story of this year:
We're Not Keeping Him. One of my lighthearted ones followed by probably Surviving a Winchester Hunt is no Small Feat another lighthearted one. It seems my more lighthearted ones recieve more comments than my angsty ones.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Well I wouldn't really say any of them are under-appreciated, but Until All that is Left is Dust didn't have many people read it, and it's one I liked. It's a short end!verse fic. My other end!verse fic for Casfest probably didn't get as many readers as my other fics either.

Most fun story to write:
Hmm I get so wrapped up in the stories that they are all fun to write, but I guess either Surviving a Winchester Hunt is no Small Feat and the sequel One Mans Road Trip is an Angels Hell were really fun as they were cracky, and writing tiny Cas pouting was far more fun then it probably should have been.

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Well as I said I haven't done any porn yet, but there is a scene in my latest fic A Wish and a Prayer that comes close, so I'm going to say that one, Dean and Cas in the rain too pretty an image not to play with.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
I'll Stand With You Little Brother. It made me look at Castiel's realtionship with the other angels. How he was different, how they viewed him. It also is one of the few I have written of Gabriel, and I love the idea that Castiel's actions helped Gabriel decide to act.

Hardest story to write:
I guess my bigbang fic Earthbound. Its the longest story I have written and I actually planned the scenes out. I got stuck in the middle of it and it took me a few weeks to get back into the groove. I should have spent more time editing and I wasn't 100% happy with the structure of it, but was still happy with it in the end becasue of the confidence boost it gave me in writing longer fics and the experience of plotting scenes and getting over a blocked muse.

Biggest Disappointment:
That I haven't started a longer original story. For some reason it seems so much more monumental to do a original story and I need to start writing more, even if they are only short pieces.

Biggest Surprise:
How easy writing has come to me this year. I don't know if it is just that I'm older and more able to focus than when I was younger, but my word count seems to grow so easily now. With all the writing I have done this year even my uni assignments seem easier to write. Word counts don't seem like such a hurdle now.

Happy new year everyone. I have had so much fun on LJ and am so happy I started this journal. I have met some wonderful people this year, you have all given me lots of laughs and cheering up when I needed it. So hugs everyone, hope you all have a great year in 2011.

kim is being random, writing

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