SPN 6.01...Well I didn't hate it...

Sep 25, 2010 22:42

hmmm thats possible the best thing I can say at the moment. I'm still waiting to see where they take things before I decide what I feel about season 6.  It could be an interesting set up with whatever story arc they're doing this year, so I won't be too judemental just yet. Overall not a disappointing as I thought it would be...

I liked that Dean tried to find a way to get Sam out and that he was a wreck for much of the year, which is at least Dean like. Hated that he didn't punch Sam in the face for not telling him he was alive. Even just that one little Dean like reaction would have made the ep so much better. Still don't like Lisa, yet strangley enough that didn't really worry me as much as I thought it would.

Yay yellow eyes was just an hallucination, bringing him back would just have been lame. I can possibly get behind Grandpa Campbell returning, wait and see on that one. Not sure that all is what it seems there. Not so sure about the other Campbell's though, where the hell were they during the apocalypse if they're meant to be some famous line of hunters???

Even Bobby didn't tell Dean Sam was back....poor Dean they really were determined to shove him into domestication, though at least Bobby seemed more genuine about wanting Dean to be happy and safe.

Still not sure whats up with Sam...something just doesn't seem right, not sure whether thats deliberate or just the writing.

I liked the creepy music.
The pidgeon and tiny dog were sort of lolzy

Of course the highlight for me was the mention of Cas. I wasn't quite sure whether it was implied that Dean hadn't heard from Cas all year or not though??? Even in Dean's hallucination Cas was mentioned, as sugar no less, is that Dean;s subconcious trying to tell him something???

Overall a little confused about a few things which hopefully will be cleared up as the story progresses.

Well I guess I'll have to wait till we get a few eps into the storyline to see what its really going to be like....so till next week I guess.

Taking my mind of where season 6 is going by watching the Big Bang Theory right now.....Sheldon Cooper FTW

spn owns my soul, dean/cas have corrupted me, cas has phone issues he'll call you back

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