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Comments 4

blackcalic0 September 20 2010, 14:28:52 UTC
Another beautiful ficlet!


fate_incomplete September 20 2010, 22:33:28 UTC
*hugs* thanks hun


i_rise_inside September 21 2010, 18:03:54 UTC
Aww nooooo! Why must you hurt my boys like this? D:

But Im pretty sure their first meeting, after the events of the finale, would be something like this. Also, have I told you just how much I adore your writing?


fate_incomplete September 22 2010, 02:38:12 UTC
aww thanks hun *huggles* I will eventually get around to at least a semi happy ending (I'm not sure yet) which is probably more than the show will give us. lol your icon is cute but its making me feel bad...


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