Back at work...crap...

Aug 30, 2010 12:21

Well back to work today, unfortunately. The last few days of my time off were nice and relaxing . In other words did nothing. Watched lots of TV, all of White Collar, the first season of The Big Bang Theory, and the first and half of the second season of The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Our new TV and surround sound arrived this moring so no doubt I will be pulling my hair out tonight trying to hook it all up...

30 days of SPN meme....

A scene that makes you sad/cry...

Well umm lots of scenes make me sad and teary...its supernatural after all, full of all that angsty emotional stuff, as well as you know ghouls and things. Here's a sort of top ten of the ones I find the saddest -
  1. Point of No Return - fight scene in the alley, they are both so broken, Cas had lost everything and looked to be losing the last thing he had faith in, that was keeping him going, and Dean's tiredness and just wanting it all to be over was heart breaking
  2. Point of No Return - Dean packing his belongings at the start
  3. The Rapture - Cas saying he learnt his lesson while he was gone, he wanted so much to do what he thought was the right thing but wasn't quite ready to risk everything to do it
  4. Everybody Loves a Clown - At the end when Dean smashes the Impala up not dealing well with his father's death and deal
  5. Abandon All Hope - Ellen and Jo's death and Dean's reaction when he turns back as the place blows up, Ellens words to her daughter and Dean's reaction really get to me
  6. In The Begining - When Mary says to Dean that the last thing she would want is for her children to be raised as hunters, heartbreaking that the normal life she wanted to give her children wasn't to be, I love Dean's interaction with his mum in the past
  7. On The Head of a Pin - The scene where Cas says to Dean that he would give anything not tyo have him do this, and the hospital scene, also find how alone Castiel is in this episode very sad, one of my favourite if not favourite episodes beacues of how emotional it is
  8. Dark Side of the Moon - at the end when Cas learns that God doesn't want to be found, just the look on his face is enough to get me teary, he has lost everything and to have his hope and faith in his father taken as well was too much
  9. Home - Dean calling his Dad and asking for help and ultimatly not getting an answer back, sums up so much of Dean's emotional state
  10. Lucifer Rising - in the green room, Dean and Cas's 'breakup'. The way that Dean says we're done and Cas simply says his name and Dean shuts him out, breaks me everytime, the green room scenes are some of my favourite scenes.
As usual I'm sure there are lots of other scenes that make me sad, and I will probably change my mind in five minutes, but there they are anyway.  Dean and Castiel are so emotional its hard not to get caught up in them and feel so much for them. Any way on more lot of pretties to end with -

spn owns my soul, 30 days of spn, kim is being random

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