Day One

Nov 01, 2007 16:45

Halloween was yesterday - I did very little for it, but had a good time anyway! I enjoyed the radio stations having an excuse to play the Ghostbusters theme on the radio. I bought a bag of candy I was almost certain wouldn't be needed, and my theories were proven true - which means I'll probably be using it to barter for my character's life at my next gaming session.

I watched a tv show called Pushing Daisies, after significant harassment to do so from my mom. Fortunately, the show turned out to be great! And it was about ghosts and the living dead (sorta), so I suppose it counts in the Halloween spirit.

Anyway, today begins November which also means the beginning of that novel writing... thing. I'm off to a solid start, considering I got in both my daily quota of 2,000 words, as well as another 2,000 on outlining and plotting and character design and other things I really, really, really meant to do in advance but instead played Neverwinter Nights 2 a bunch. I'm not sure how happy I am with the quality of the writing, but I think that is more due to not really having figured out what style to use just yet. Hopefully things will settle into place soon enough.

2,037 / 50,000
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