Sep 04, 2008 15:44

[Action // Voice]

[An... is in an alleyway in town, her back against a wall and her legs hopeless curled close to her chest. She's cradling something in her hands which are between the two, and her position is altogether similar to some poses she made in her youth (some of the ones seen in the flashbacks of SIGN) She looks like hell, bluntly. Her eyes show she's barely slept for a long time now, and while the green dye is washing out of her hair, there's still hints of it, implying she hasn't been taking care of herself. Her eyes look dead and haunted, looking at the thing she's twirling her in her hands, which is a stuffed cat. A purple cat. She found it in a store]

[Her journal sits next to her, open. But then, something catches her eyes from the side, a flick of movement. Maybe it's the lack of sleep, or maybe it's the cat in her hands, but she instantly stands and drops the cat, look wide-eyed at where she caught the movement. This scuffle turns on the voice recording just long enough to catch her half-yelling]


mariko's gone, seriously tired, this has to be bad for her health, someone save her, still searching, hallucinating, haunted looks, macha, mariko

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