That Which Leads us Home
by Frakkin_Eh
Rating: M
Authors notes: This story is a sequel of sorts to the Movie 'For All time' starring Mark Harmon and Mary McDonnell. It picks up in the second to last scene in the movie. If you have not seen the movie you should be able to follow the story anyway as I hope (fingers crossed on that one) that I've provided enough information in the story about what happened prior to the timeline the story takes place in. You should watch the movie though, for no other reason than it's a wonderful little movie and .. well, Mary's in it.
**** This is the final chapter to this story. Not to worry though, I am in serious negotiations with my MUSE and am hoping to reach an agreement soon on the possibility of writing a sequel and making it into a small series. For now, however, we will be concluding this story so I can focus on Real Life for a while.
I can’t thank you guys enough for all the feedback and comments. You guys truly made writing this story a blast!
tayryn ….. shit man, what can I say? You have been such an incredible help. Being so totally new to the whole ‘writing scene’ I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped and taught me. You’re a really good mentor and a wonderful friend. Hey, maybe some day I’ll even learn where to put a frakking comma!
Chapter 16 - Echoes of the Night Before