1. Dating a beautiful, intelligent, talented, sweet, lovely girl. Totally in love; she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
2. Wondering if it's worth trying to have a decent relationship with my mother. Like, if I didn't, I'd be just like 96% of the rest of my family.
3. This girl, though. I'm happy. Like, for once, you know? For once since my dad died, I'm actually happy.
4. Right. I don't know. We're gonna see each other again after Christmas and I'm staying with her for the rest of break. And then we go back to school together.
5. She's legitimately all I can talk about. I can't even do tumblry things rn 'cos I know I'm just gonna further alienate my followers by talking about her. Wait, okay. This is what she looks like:
Like, how cute can she even get. Just. And that's my shirt, as well, so it's just.
Yes, okay, I'm done. Sorry.