Broken pieces...

Jul 12, 2010 22:54

Title: Broken Pieces.
Author: fate_incomplete 
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas
Spoilers: general for seasons 4 and 5
Warnings: none
Word Count: ~600
Summary:  Castiel sees all the broken pieces in Dean and will give everything to put them back together.

A/N: A companion piece to Held Captive and also Prison by angelshandprint

It had always been Dean. From the first moment he saw him, lost in the depths of hell he had seen it. It was a tragedy to behold, the soul of Dean Winchester surrounded by horror and pain, drenched in it. It should have been too late, the seal had been broken, he had crossed that line that separated humanity from the demons, but even lost as he was, swimming in a sea of evil, it was still Dean. Somehow there was a strength within that would not give up, not completely.

He had dragged what was left of Dean from hell, he had been lost and broken, but the pieces were still there, they just had to be put back together. He would fix the broken pieces back together if it took all he had. If he had to take pieces of himself to hold Dean together till he was whole again.

Saving Dean was the first step. From that moment doubt started to edge through. He started to lose himself in a whirlpool of emotion he didn’t understand, shouldn’t be able to feel. Confusion, uncertainty, he was not meant to feel these things, but he did. They had perhaps always been there, hidden beneath faith and obedience, but every time he looked at Dean they grew stronger.

Doubt in the righteousness of heavens orders, in his mission. Did the end justify the means. So many of his brothers looked down at humanity, even if they wouldn’t act upon it as Lucifer had. He knew deep down that he was different to so many of his brothers, he looked at humanity and all the flaws his brothers pointed out, only fitted together to form something beautiful. A puzzle of conflict and chaos that shone with a beauty far brighter than any he had seen in heaven, and it shone brightest in Dean.

As he looked inside Dean, as he tried to understand, he saw so much that was good, that was worth saving, he didn’t understand how Dean couldn’t. Dean fought so hard to save everyone else but saw nothing within himself worth saving. It was an enigma that he found fascinating, captivating. Dean was broken and every fibre of him wanted to understand, to fix it.

Dean had been his downfall, but it had been a fall that in the end had led him to far greater heights then he had imagined. Heaven had been the illusion, humanity, earth, Dean, had been where he found his true home. He belonged here. He had found the strength to choose his fate, found his free will.

In Dean’s eyes he saw so much pain and worthlessness and so much more. He carried so much weight on his shoulders, he always had. He lived his life for others, the strong one who was always there. Though inside there was so much vulnerability, so much crying out for understanding.

Heaven saw him as the righteous man who would bring on the apocalypse and be the one to end it, the one to bring an end to Lucifer and solve all the angel’s problems.  All Castiel saw was the righteous man that heaven had left broken and would not be content till they destroyed all that was left of him. Castiel had given everything to try and stop that. The man he saw was worth so much more.

He may have been the one to save Dean from hell, but it had been Dean that had showed him what it was to feel, to care and do what he knew was right, Dean had saved him as well. Even after all the pieces are put back together and Dean is whole again, he will stay. He will stay to try and make sure nothing within Dean is ever broken again.

dean "i think i'm adorable" winchester, spn owns my soul, dean/cas have corrupted me, fic, cas has phone issues he'll call you back

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