Every day you purchase something new is supposed to be a happy day.
after much consideration, i got myself this today:
which takes us up to a total of three blazers
and considering the weather recently, and just in singgers in general,
i doubt i'm gonna get much use out of them.
somehow i'm not feeling very happy though.
doesn't help that the rest of the month's shopping needs to be lust-only, since i kind of promised myself to lay off for a while, after the arrival of my humongous F21 order.
thank goodness the month's coming to an end. :/
i need to take a break, go on a holiday etc etc what have you.
okay time to work on fyp proposal. bye.
sold out on bluebirdvintage, but then again, i'm kinda iffy about wearing real vintage, so i guess its just as well.
sweden is home to the most amazing chain stores, cult labels etc.
h&m, gina tricot, cheap monday.
Cheap monday tee. which i can't seem to find online. ANYWHERE.
damn lazy to upload the other awesome photos, but you get the drift.
and they're all barely available to us online.
imma migrate there.
see ya.