Mar 12, 2009 01:21
yayness to no more classes till i get back from melb. but then again, i get a headache just thinking bout all the assignments/papers/tests and EXAMS coming up after i get back. not only that, my hair aches just thinking about it. :(
bad news #2: i got waylaid by a bunch of i****n juvenile delinquents outside the train station near my place yesterday. or two days ago or something. some girl like at least 3-4 years my junior came up to me and started rambling on about blah blah blah ex-convicts, blah blah second chances, blah blah going back to school. basically wanting money. which i refused to give. :/ but i was scared, cos imagine like so many of them standing around and trying to coerce you to give them money to get an education. erm, i thought the state pays for the majority of our education anyway? i distinctly remember school fees being dirt cheap back in secondary school and jc, and i do not think its any different now, really. i'm not that old y'know.
besides, i could have told her for free, that education is overrated. wayyyyy wayyyyyy overrated. its just something to do to keep yourself busy while pretending that you don't have to grow up and join the working world. lol.
like imagine. it starts in primary three (or four?) during streaming, where your future is decided right there and then, whether you're gonna be some multilingual high flyer(EM1), a nondescript grafter (EM2), or some academically retarded dumbass (EM3).
and then its redefined again at the age of twelve, where its decided if you're gonna become a smart talking snobbish but still desirable jerk (independent schools), a nerdy high flying ASTAR/DSTA scholar (good schools in general), low belt wearing, teenage pregnancy susceptible girls, or just plain unintellectual losers.
and then you mug through Os, and then its decided if Its The End for you, or if you're gonna spend the next two years of your life constantly living in fear of becoming the biggest Singaporean failure known to mankind (do badly for As, cannot go local uni, lol). ok, so it sounds funny now, but when you're 18 and looking at that little slip of paper for the results that will decide the rest of your life, its break-down inducing alright.
and then, you suffer through all that shit, and go to some gloomy school in the most godforsaken part of Singapore, spend three years hating it there, and then the stress gets the better of you, and then, in your final sem of your final year, just before handing in your biggest, most important assignment of your student life(ok so fyp isn't really THAT big a deal la, i'm exaggerating), you go crazy and stab your prof and kill yourself.
so, moral of the story, might as well not bother getting an education right?
people who dropped out after primary school had some sort of amazing foresight that we, the supposed educated people lack. (:
like i say primary school cos if you don't go your parents will get sued or smth like that. and we all do not want that to happen, right?
ps. i have on numerous occasions been extremely irritated with my profs, and i have not once ever considered stabbing them. honestly. and my temper isn't really the best there is around either. and when i say irritated, i really mean it. like how annoying is it when one of them is constantly trying to "speak to you" regarding your supposed absence from seminars. like you speak to me once, you make your point, and i'm supposed to attend every seminar henceforth? methinks not.
ok, rant over, NEEDTOSTOPBLOGGING cos theres termpapertoresearch+proposalstowrite+fyptopreparefor all before i leave on saturday night. :(
and i've got a feeling that from here to my honours isn't gonna be a very smooth ride. bye!