Oct 06, 2007 15:42
Tada! After having been abducted by the faeries and aliens I managed to highjack a spaceship and drive -quite badly if I may add- back to Earth but soon I was kidnapped by a band of old geezer magicians. Stole their hat and ran. And here I am!!
And NO I did not forget that I had a livejournal account and didn't remember until several nagging emails managed to bypass my firewall on email to remind me of what had lain in the dust for so long! That's just crazy talk! Where do you people get these ideas?
Well today I've decided to concentrate on the one thing people will willingly receive radiation poison from and continue to do so even now! FALL T.V. SHOWS OF COURSE!!!! If you are willing to sacrifice an hour or two to increase your exposure to the idiot box then read below to the shows on MY TOP LIST!!
1. HEROES: This is the show everyone talks about. This is the show to watch! The plot is a bit cliched with ordinary people possessing not so ordinary powers (i.e. X-men, 4400, Mutant X) but we all love it anyways! You can't go wrong with time-traveling or regenerative powers. So far the individual stories are starting to mix and bleed into the other but I can only pray this doesn't get out of control like LOST. And my all time favorite thing is Hiro! He's too cute X3 Check it out Mondays 9 PM!!
2. PRIVATE PRACTICE: This show is dedicated to all you GREY'S ANATOMY fans! Absolutely heart-wrenching drama all in the safety of a group of friends' private practice. Wednesdays are usually such a burden for me -nothing to watch. However flicking through the channels I landed on this show right as the doctors were investigating a baby's sickness only to discover the baby had been swapped at the hospital! (BABY SWAPPING IS AN IMMORAL THING FOR A PARENT TO DO!!!) I cried when the mothers traded their babies. TT__TT Wednesdays 9 PM
3. PUSHING DAISIES: Creative, original, and a bit of the obsessive side. Our main character, Ned (pie-maker extraordinaire) has quite a unique ability. With the touch of his finger he can bring the dead back and return them to their... current state of being with a second touch. This may make it a bit difficult to have a romantic life with a dead girl that Ned's only just brought back to life. Watch it on Wednesdays 8 PM
4.CSI: Sarah Sidle is leaving the show! Now a newbie is swooping in to take her place. I suppose the producers DID build us up for this shocking surprise as we haven't seen Sidle in the episodes as much as usual. I can only say, the newbie will have some big shoes to fill up! Its a bit weird how Grissom and Sidle have a relationshp since he's so old but I suppose Love Knows NO Bounds!!1 Airs Thursdays 9 PM
5. MOONLIGHT: The commercial of this show is absolutely breathtaking. Celine Dion your voice still knocks my socks off! Are you a vampire fan? Do you absolutely love tales of the mystery in L.A.? Tune in for this vampire P.I. Detective Mick St. John as he attempts to pass the life as an eternal dweller of darkness and maybe a shy attempt at love from a woman of his past? This show airs Friday Nights 9 PM
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