Sep 19, 2003 00:48
Dear J,
I think I will not write a poem,Just explain my feelings in at this moment. Everyday the bitter taste of responsibility grows in the back of my mouth. I detest it, but as everyone functioning member of society I must do my role and provide for myself(at least). Most of my friends just lie around most of the day speaking of future hopes. Some of the better friends have there own place where they can provide for themselves. Now my problem is I feel as if am part of the first group(even though I work and pay most of my bills). I know i'm not the second group but I would like to say I'm in the middle of it. I don't want to be tottaly dependent on my Mom and Dad, Thats why i have my shitty job so I can be out my house and make money for myself. I want to go to college but I'm not sure if I want to wake up when I'm like 40 and hate what I do for a living because of a decision I made when I was 18. I'm not sure what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think I might move to canada and be a socialist supporter. And if those life-altering decisions in my life aren't plaguing my mind, I have to pump life back into a realtionship I don't even care about(not as if I don't care about the girl I just don't care about the realtionship). All I want in life is to be happy.