Mr. Moustache

Nov 05, 2006 07:33

My manager Neil (you may know his as the older brother of Bro Legend Nathan Chamberlain) and I have decided to initiate a contest at work to see who can grow the worst moustache. There is talk that Kirby Overstreet and Drew may also be interested in joining the contest.

I never thought I'd ever grow a moustache, ever. I mentioned it to my parents, and their reactions were different from what I expected. My mother was actually excited and told me she thinks it will look great. My father seemed as if he was about to tell me that I would look stupid, until he remembered that he has moustache.

I can guess, however, that it won't do much good for me in the woman department. If they can't already smell my "pathetic" feramones, then the moustache will be sure to drive them away.

So right now, I can't quite figure out what I look like: Childmolestor? Crip? 70's pornstar? 80's gay man? Mexican? Maybe a little bit of all. But mainly Mexican. I wonder, why can almost no Mexican males grow an actual moustache. Yet, almost every one of them has that goofy hairy lip adolescent moustache? Don't they realize how silly it looks? Here's what I think:
Every Mexican man knows that most other Mexican men cannot grow a full moustache. So, they all try their damned hardest to actually grow a full one. Every now and then, one of them accomplishes this impossible goal. And those few and brave men, are the lucky ones who get to wear sombreros and panchos. Only those with full moustaches are allowed to wear these items of victory. Jorge? Any comments?

Is that racist?

Anyway, everyone, lets grow a moustache, and someday we may receive honorary the sombrero and pancho.

Some who have succeeded:

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