Dec 05, 2007 19:11
I have not updated in awhile and I have a ton of homework so I feel it is necessary (class ends this week!!!!)
So Monday was my birthday as you all know. I went down to Foxwoods and won myself over $300. :) Pretty fun at one point my father was telling some girl what was in his drink and he said marijuana...yeah he may have been a bit drunk at the time. My brother and I just looked at each other.
While at foxwoods I had the shittiest kamikaze ever...I hold one Miss Sarah Cronin personally responsible for this. She put kamikaze's in my mind and none stand up to that one was like straight vodka with a small piece of lime squeezed into it tasted like straight vodka basically.
At work the one person I told it was my b-day told this other guy and he sent a very embarassing e-mail to everyone. so this other guy goes "how old are you? You don't look bad for 45" He had apparently just turned 70 the week before.
Oh and last night...duh da na naaaaahhhh. well well well...last night. Birthday Cake shots, dusty riders and madra's galore equals Jen on the bathroom floor...haha not exactly I did end up getting sick though. That's what happens when people shove like 4 extra drinks down your throat. And you know 4 drinks at a bar is really at least 8 and probably more. My god! Fun night though!!! And that would make the total 3!