Apr 26, 2005 18:08
Ok so there is this really fat bitch who likes to think she is so fucking hawt and stuff.shes really just fat and ugly.but apparently she thinks im sucha bitch and all this shit.whateva.i mean it really sucks that matt denied her and everything.usually fat chicks get laid since theyre such sluts but apparently since she didnt she has to lie and say it never happen.right.matt totally knows who she is.even better she thinks i added all these people off her friends list.as if.finding her was just funny.now its fun to fuck with her because she thinks shes being so cool for responding ahh haha i dont care but really she is just a weak little bitch.well at least i get to ahve my fun torturing her.i mean what is it about fat girls.they always have to fight back.maybe its because fat people always lose at live.ha or theyre loose.i bet she is.to many one night stands.but i guess its goodbye sweety.good 'riddence'.