Dec 23, 2004 03:51
Unconformity: The concept of not conforming to not conform is dumb, because then you're just conforming to something else. The concept of being yourself is way better man.
The Punk Stereotype: "Hey you can't listen to punk! You don't dress hardcore and you don't agree with all of the politcal views!" Funny thing is alot of the Old School punk artists(The Ramones, The Misfits) hold conservative views. Also some people don't listen for the opinion they listen for the music. Dressing hardcore is retarded, be yourself and wear whatever the hell you want to wear.
High School A** Holes: At HCS i never thought I would encounter any, but zip zam gawd da*ned we have a few. I hate it when these self-righteous twits go mess with the kids who don't do anything to ANYONE. The sad thing is most people LIKE these people. They think they're hilarious, hey no skin off my back if he degrades that poor kid who never did crap to hurt anyone. These are the people that cause things to happen like what happened at Columbine. People need to be more aware of who they think is hilarious and who is such a cool guy because he can rip on someone who once again did nothing to anyone. "Bang Bang You're Dead" the movie is a perfect example of what goes on. Though I won't say it is to that extent at HCS, but to a small degree it is.