Jan 29, 2005 17:55
I WANT TO BE ANITA BLAKE! coolest chick ever! She is this vampire hunter who stars in this series of novels written by Laurell Hamilton. I couldnt put the book down! It took me only two nights to read! I would have taken me less, but i only had one eye, and it is rather difficult to read with one eye.
About the whole one eye situation. mMy eye was bothering me on tuesday. But i thought nothing of it. I took out my contacts and went to sleep (after reading a decent chunk of Hamilton's The Lunatic Cafe) When i woke up on wednesday, I COULDNT OPEN MY EYE! it wasnt glued shut or anything, it just hurt uber bad to open it. CRAZY PAIN. Actually, it didnt hurt to have it open. It was more like, it hurt to blink, and it hurt to have it shut. I slept all day so i didnt need to deal with the pain. I think i was awake for all of 3 hours that day. On thuesday, it was somewhat better. I could keep my eye open for about 30 second intervals before it began leaking ... whatever it was that it was leaking. Friday, i could actually open it, but not all the way, and today, it was fine. But i am still really sensative to light. Ive been wearing my glasses these few last days. They make me look older, even though my face is full of metal. But ill stick with my contacts. I wouldnt be able to wear my kick ass red elvis glasses if i didnt wear contacts! well, i would, but i wouldnt be able to see.
Im not reading the next book in Hamilton's series, Bloody Bones. Im on page 30 something, and its getting good. Back to reading!