Aug 07, 2010 20:14
AHHHHH! I have the hugest crush on Rain! Since I saw Ninja assassins I have been walking around sighing whistfuly just thinking about him. As much as I love Takeshi I might have to drop my boy for the younger asian. Besides moaning and groaning over the fact that I will never have him I have moved on to other thoughts. I was having a conversation with my sister and we were talking about interracial dating. As much as it interest me I still have other things that Iove more. That didn't come out as powerful as I wanted it to I'll try again. So I have been thinking about the 2 extremes of interracial dating. One being the people who don't tolerate it and berate others for participating in it or just feel that their significant other couldn't be of another race. We also have those who are exclusive to only interracial dating and making sure the world knows it. I think these are both wrong in the since that who is anyone to judge who wants who or the ones that draw unwanted attention to the subject by making it such a big deal that it does not seem like a normal relationship, but a spotlighted one. People just need to date and have no fear that they will prosecuted for it.
I saw a film on Youtube today called holding hands and it was about an interracial couple a BWWM. (black woman and white male for people who don't know the lingo) I was sad that their relationship was based on making jokes about each others race. To make matters worse at the'climax' they decided to show the world their love by wearing shirts that said 'I love niggers/honkeys'. I won't go into the disgust I felt for this part of the films artistic expression, because I want to get to the ending. Of course they get separated while getting on the train and a 'gang' of black men beat up on the white male while he tearful explains that his girlfriend is black. On the opposite side of town we see his black girlfriend get of the train and a 'gang' of neo-nazi/red necks chase her down through a park and proceed to beat her up and then try and kill her. A shot is heard and you look to see her bleeding boyfriend holding a gun. Next you seem him running with his blacked out girlfriend through the streets with the gun in his backpocket while a police radio is the only sound. 'Armed and dangerous' is the re-occuring phrase that is heard while they run. I understand the attempt at dramatizing the presecution that interracial couples got through, but come on. That was some old BS. It actually turned me off from the fiction I was reading so I could contemplate what I read.
My attempt at a point is that no one youws who their soul mate is. Keep your mind and your heart open. And lastly treat others like you want to be treated. There is nothing wrong with a preference of course mine is a sexy chocolate british male (Idris Elba! I would have his kids!), but I am open to others. If people keep those things in mind we wouldn't have this mad house known as interracial dating it would just be dating.
takeshiro kaneshiro,
idris elba,
holding hands,