funny how im nervous still, i've always been the easy kill, guess i always will

May 10, 2008 00:23

Dr. King called today & asked if I wanted to goto a conference on Thursday. All I had to do was start a powerpoint and then do a spreadsheet for scoring. I get paid $100. I'm not really doing it for anything else, other than the fact that I need all the money I can get so that I can study abroad next summer. Which leads me to >

I called wachovia to open a savings account. So they transferred me, whatever & the guy who they transferred me to was pretty hot sounding..haha. Anyway, he started hitting on me over the phone... I was amused.

My eating habits have gotten pretty bad while i've been at home. Blah, it's really frustrating!! I just want to eat healthy!!!! I need to re-focus my self & focus on my goals. Some current goals include: uno eat healthy dos excersize regularly tres stop biting nails cuatro save money.

i'm going to the beach tomorrow (finally!)
It feels like it's been ages since i've been to la playa.

I watched PS, I Love You today & OMG I almost died from the cuteness overload. honestly, cutest thing ever!! And all those sexy irish accents were just lovely to listen to & the soundtrack was pretty amazing too so I just downloaded it. It's pretty great!

Summer has been utterly boring. Nothing exciting happening. I need some action in my life of any kind. I think I may take the time off to catch up on some reading!

boys, boys, boys. where are you? i'm single - come & find me, please. just for some sweet summer kisses, nothing more.

jimmy eat world needs to go on tour & give me free tickets, me thinks.

sleepy time. I am trying to make an effort to go to bed early so that I can be more productive in my daily life. We'll see how this works out...

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