Sep 05, 2004 00:34
life seems to pass me by like the wind on a hot summer day;
i seem to recall a moment in time where leaves were scattered on the floor
and all we use to do was sit and laugh at the memories of past.
like the leaves on the floor our memories were blown away, but to my suprise,
they were not forgotten.
Like a bad summer storm, you came back with a furry haunting my existance,
tourmenting my very essence of life, making me sick with every move i made.
it was then that i realized that it was not you who made me ill,
but it was myself o becconed to move on with my life;
the bench where i had sat to watch my life pass me by seemed so dismal to me now.
i stood up and turned my back to the memories on the floor, and let the wind blow away
my doubt, fear, anxiety, mistrust and hoplessness of what was once something so marvelous.
i cannot look back to what once was, for if i do, my heart will turn to stone, and will be
forever cursed to live a damned life.
i set myself forward on with life knowing that there is no other way too look now but up,
and all the time spent in the shadow on that bench was wasted, but i am given a new life.
only equiped with a ready heart, i look in the horizon for my new future, not set in stone, or in the markings on the floor, but set with the hopes and dreams of a wander.
in the heart lies a treasure that no person can take away from me, and yet is so fragile to the touch that no person can even attempt to grasp, for although i am strong in will, my heart is ever fragile, and only the touch of the gentle soul can sustain the warmth i cary.
i am forever marked with "honor & strengh"........