May 22, 2007 11:07
Ok... time to pull things back together. I can make it a bit more... I think. Maybe. I don't know. But I should try.
So, here's some thoughts to proceed with since I've arrested Taro:
1. Someone may be trying to frame him (aka get him killed) for the Magus thing.
2. Lot's of people don't want him in. Most of them for selfish reason, but not all.
3. I cannot get him out. I put up a lot of barriers to his release.
4. Lot's of people in the Ministry want to send him to the dementor reserve.
5. I'm currently the major blockade on point 4.
6. Leaving could be disasterous for him.
Because of that, there's a few things I must do immediately:
1. Pull together.
2. Ask the British boss to assign someone to the Magus case.
3. Talk to Taro --> Get his client list
4. Parse client list
5. Review each one with boss(es) --> write up proposals for dealing with them all.
You know, it makes me wonder. Just how much of that town is underground? I get the impression that the percentage is too high to be healthy. I wonder about the causes (is there a lack of legal work that pays enough to live?), and if the Japanese Ministry is doing anything about it. Should mention it to the Japanese boss. It could be that they're as corrupt as ours - if so, I need a major success in the next six months - which seems to be common in governments, but especially magical ones because they've made no efforts to reform or be transparent.
Anyways, my soup is done cooking. Must head to the hospital and then work.