Jan 11, 2006 16:34
I decided last night in a fit of insomnia that despite the fact that I despise the way Capitalist Amerika functions, getting a business degree would be worth it if it meant I could manage a Whole Foods. As in my dreams of being the anal English teacher, I would be the bitch with the red pen, only minus the red pen - turn that editing into in-your-face bitching. Oh yes, I would teach this store a thing or two about customer service as well as eloquence. It's too good a store to lose, and the one I frequent could really use some lessons in customer loyalty. I love that store but STOP HIRING GHETTO PIECES OF SHIT WHO CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH!!! I know everyone deserves a chance, but only once ze has proven hir talents and abilities. [Note to those of you unfamiliar with gender discrepancies: I know how to spell, this is what is referred to as gender neutrality.] Oh, and they MUST do away with the petroleum-based bags... yes, paper is more expensive, but so is everything else in that store.
ps: A few other positives (that are total givens to me but might not be the first thought for you) are the facts that having such a fat wallet would enable me to donate BIG money to Texas Campaign for the Environment, my local lobbying organization of choice. I think a five or ten thousand dollar a year donation would be sufficient. I used to organize with them, I know how hard it is. [The website is texasenvironment.org] I would personally print professional pamphlets for them and plaster the front-end with them. Oh yeah, and I'd get to eat as much organic food as I could stand. (Their organic meats are so picture-perfect.)
If you've never shopped there, check them out, even if you can't afford it. If you've never heard of Texas Campaign for the Environment, look them up via the above website.
Ah yes, and SURPRISE: I am alive and well. Count this as a true update, my first in a long time.
I can't wait to be able to afford my own vintage colonial on twenty acres with a renovated stable and a library that would make the Venetian scholars cream...