My Compliments to the Chef

Apr 10, 2007 11:09

Lawyers, attorneys, fees, deadlines, get here, go there, by 12, by 1, by 3 -- a jumble of hustle and bustle, the hurly burly of life and the American justice system. Money, bleeding, hemmorhage of cash, out of every pocket, every man, every woman. It's a dinner I can't palate. But my compliments to the chef -- he's made a meal that costs more than anyone can afford, and he's made a mess he never has to clean up.

Part of me screams American disjustice, but then the innocent always feel robbed. How can one person try to bilk money from another when they have no money themselves?

Hard times ahead, rough patches, screaming fights. Sometimes I just want to crawl under the covers, shut my eyes, and will everyone away.
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