(no subject)

Feb 06, 2007 15:50

1.Are you Single?
nu uh
2.Do you hate your ex?
nah not really but if summit about them witty that happens to be bitchy pops into my head it does tend to fall out of my mouth as well

3.Why are you Single?
im not

4.Whats the one word to describe you?
fuck... there are so many differeent interitations of that word

5.How many CLOSE friends do you have?
hmm.. meh i tend to keep my personal stuff to my person

6. Do you cry alot?
7. Do you like being by yourself?
half the time

8.Do you like to read?

9.Do you like to sniff markers?
err.. yes.. go hard core druggies :S

10.Do you like taking pictures?
yerp.. and looking bk at them thinkin 'my god my friends were right... he does have a big nose' or.. 'shit did i really dress like that'
11.Are you pale?
yeah but the antibiotics burn my face :( so its alittle red

12.Do you like kids?

13.Do you think you will be married by the time your 18?
god no

14.Are you weird?
o.. yes.. a freak... quick pin me down... im throwing all sorts of freaky shapes at u..

15.Do you know how to spell?
not very well
16.Do you think your smart?
int he subject im interested in

17.Are you annoyed easily?
o yes

18.Are you conceited?
i wish i knew what that meant
19.Do you like to dance?
makes me happy
20.Do you get bored easily?
lol no well.. only wen your around

21.Would you ever dance naked in the rain?
get me tipsy and nature i am yours

22.Have you ever snuck out of your house?

23.Do you lose things easily?
yes.. alot like coursework

24.Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
no iv never been anyones naughty little school girl

25.Where do you want to live one day?
i want to be nomadic

26.Whats your favorite class and why?
art... coz i just like it

27.Do you hate someone?
most probably... but only because it amuses me

28.Have you ever been in love?
i reckon so... you'll never know until on ur death bed who were really love

29.Have you ever cried watching a movie?
too much

30.Do you lie alot?
yesh well not about serious things..

31.If you do lie alot, why?
because i get bored

32.If you were the opposite sex would you date yourself?
yes and it cause world war 3

33.Do you sometimes cry for no reason?
not so much recently but yeah i have done

34.Do you sometimes laugh for no reason?
lol a little too much

35.Do you think you were an ugly baby?
all babies r ugly

36.What do you want to be doing right now?
putting photographs on my wall :).. dammit if only i wasnt so lazy

37.Do you like Valentines Day?
no .. lol basically

38.Are you jealous of someone?
nope what for ?

39.Do you have a favorite place?
in my mind

40.What famous person would you want to be with if you could?
one that isnt stuck up
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