I simply had to share this. Everyone's going on about Gaga blaspheming in her latest song (which I wasn't sure I was going to like, since I wasn't impressed by Born This Way, but I was pleasantly surprised by Judas), and this is the most well-reasoned argument I have had the pleasure of stumbling across. (Apologies for the bad grammar, but the site policy of the forum I c+p'd it from make it clear you are not allowed to edit it in any way, otherwise I would have added capital letters and whatnot.)
Now, ask any christian what is the worst thing you can do (besides blaspheme the holy spirit..whatever that is) and they will say to know and deny christ
(Stealth Add: Matthew 16:23
Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."
Judas never denied...Peter did.
Peter was the betrayer
however, all of this matters not, because all are forgiven, from judas (he arguably didn't need forgivness) to peter, to the romans, etc
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do"
Yep, all are happy in heaven now...so, us earthlings contemplating on who is evil of the group, who is in hell, etc...well, that is simply going against jesus's salvation
it is denying christ again, but on a wide scale
Who are you (not you, general statement) to overrule christs salvation? Are you a god?
(ghostbusters just came to mind).
Anyhow, anyone whom suggests judas is somehow evil, or a betrayer, clearly knows more than christ and higher on the holy scale considering they refute christs words.
I often wonder if the wolves get warm wearing all that wool.
You want to see the true demons of society...look at the so called christians posing as christs superior and laying judgement on mankind
Now, do I believe peter was an actual betrayer, or satan? no. but the point is, all things you are taught may not be as they seem. a case can be made that judas is a betrayer, however, there is much stronger evidence, on how its written and the whole context, that peter may be the one pitching for the wrong team.
But to label any of the group, or anyone for that matter, as evil...is going against the salvation of christ to begin with...
(btw, agnostic atheist, however I love a good theological discussion.)
End Quote.
written by SaturnFX; a member of AboveTopSecret.com, in the thread: "Lady Gaga's new song "Judas" is about her love for Judas. Yes, the Judas who betrayed Jesus", which you can find here:
.... *claps* what a beautifully arranged argument. Erugh, self righteous people - the ones going on about how Lady Gaga (or anyone else, for that matter) is going to burn in Hell. Just, stfu, you silly, silly fish. I'm not a Christian, but I want to a Church of England primary school, and I loved it. I loved the theology and the doctrine- good Samaritans and loving thy neighbour etc, but I could never accept the idea of an omnipotent, omni-benevolent and omniscient creator- but I don't want to get into that.
All I want to say is, then I went to secondary school and my love and respect for Christianity took a sharp dip. There were these horrible, self-righteous people who claimed other people were going to Hell purely because they weren't the same denomination as them- and by this time I was more interested in global affairs and learned about the conflicts religion causes and all the in-fighting and I thought, what is wrong with these people? What happened to their love for their fellow mankind? Why does it matter what religion you are, as long as you are a good, kind person? You shouldn't call yourself a Christian if you don't act like one.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the one thing that gets my goat most is when a tv show doesn't stick to it's own rules. This is known as "jumping the shark"; when characters behave in a fashion that belies the character development they have already gone through. It's why I had to stop watching Glee- the characters never learnt from their mistakes and the storylines just repeated themselves in a slightly different format. It's why organised religion frustrates me. Many religious people say one thing; but do another. Or to give it a more technical name; they fail to "practice what they preach". I don't mean to diss any religion- I'm just calling it as I see it- as it was shown to me. You wanna see a person with real goodness in their heart? You have a chat with any one of my wonderful primary school teachers. They taught me to respect every human equally- I grew up knowing that no matter your religion, race, colour, gender, sexuality, beliefs or interests, if you lived your life well, and didn't bring harm to others, you were equally worthy in the eyes of whatever gods exist, and your fellow mankind. Who are we to judge others? We are all born equal and free.
If you've not seen Gaga's new vid, it's
here. The song only impacted on me properly once I'd seen it, and where I was meh before, I love it now.