Title: First, Born Author: fatal_red Rating: K Summary: Three reasons Maito Gai made the perfect sensei. Notes: Because I do miss this, and Maito Gai is awesome.
That was an enjoyable read. :) I read it more for Tenten than Gai-sensei, to be honest. But Gai is still my favorite jounin, after all. And reading this reminded me why I love him so much. He's practically strength, hardwork, charisma, and positivity all bundled up into one. I'd be lucky to have a teacher like him in real life.
Though, I could live without the bright green jumpsuits. XD
Oh, and I love the title you chose for the fic. First, Born... Sounds like there's lots more to come, haha...
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm a huge Tenten fan, if you couldn't tell! But I just adore Team Gai dynamics. If only I could express my appreciation for that team in a better way. :)
Haha, those jumpsuits! I would never wear one, but I would be so darned proud if I were offered one.
You actually kind of inspired me to continue. I honestly just could not think of anything fitting for the title, but now, with a little nudge in the right direction from my muse, I'll be able to continue writing for the Naruto universe again.
Thanks again! I very much appreciate that you took the time to comment on my little ficlet. ♥
Comments 2
Though, I could live without the bright green jumpsuits. XD
Oh, and I love the title you chose for the fic. First, Born... Sounds like there's lots more to come, haha...
Haha, those jumpsuits! I would never wear one, but I would be so darned proud if I were offered one.
You actually kind of inspired me to continue. I honestly just could not think of anything fitting for the title, but now, with a little nudge in the right direction from my muse, I'll be able to continue writing for the Naruto universe again.
Thanks again! I very much appreciate that you took the time to comment on my little ficlet. ♥
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